Hi My Meno-Friends!
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Hi Meno-Friends! I just wanted to stop by and say HELLO! I am sorry I haven't been online for a while. I am still going through menopause but found out the most dibiliating of symptoms I thought were related to menopause (joint pain, stiffness, weakness and crushing exhaustion) were actually being caused by Rheumatoid Arthritis, an autoimmune disorder. Not that those symptoms cannot be caused by Menopause -- they can, do and are for some! But mine was getting progressively worse and starting to cause like a "mummy" effect where I couldnt' really move when I reached the worst state. Finally, the docs ran the right tests and found not only do I have RA, it is in an advanced state and aggressive. Good news is they are treating it quickly and I am at home on disability now, no longer pushing pushing pushing to go-go-go commuting, working, shopping, cooking, cleaning. It's all calm now. I am preparing for treatment with many vaccines then starting Humira on 4/14 (it is an immune suppressant so I have to get 2 flu, pnemonia, shingles, TB, and Heb B vaccinnations, some of which are a series given over time). I am optimistic.
I am still with you in spirit ladies, but find myself posting more often on the RA section of this wonderful website. God Bless you, "Pods" as Shaz calls ya! You were a lifeline when I needed one. I'm still on this site if you ever want to chat, just message me.
With much love and affection and Happy Easter!
3 likes, 22 replies
annieschaefer kim94523
Sorry to hear of the issue with RA. Was wondering how you are doing and appreciate the update. Thankfully you are able to stay home and get the much needed rest. I have a good friend with RA and with the medication under control, she is able to lead a basically normal routine. Wishing the best for you!
Happy Easter!
kim94523 annieschaefer
jayneejay kim94523
i have lost weight too, all through peri and post meno
down to 8st 10 now ... Wasting away ... I am 5ft 6
my blood sugars years ago went crazy. was border line type then also chloresterol was raised ... My Doctor was baffled, But all okay now, it was peri for me they said that causing spikes etc .. My diet was and is good never eat fatty foods ever or too much sweet stuff, dont drink. i was told to take magnesium and i do still now ( chelated magnesium as kind on tum) I use to crave chocolate ... And it can be a sign of low magnesium ..
annieschaefer kim94523
Ha! forgot to tell you- Naturopath has me moving on to an Integrative MD for the hypothyroidism....and that visit isn't til end of April-until then I feel like the Goodyear Blimp and hate going anywhere that I need to dress up-nothing fits and I have no intention of staying this way.
And seriously not eating much these days so I don't get it! Will update you early May if that visit is productive!
kim94523 jayneejay
jayneejay kim94523
sorry to hear about your RA, but pleased your shared your info..
I was very poorly in Jan and Feb and still not totally over it yet... i had Shingles Kim it followed on by my 3 slipped back discs, oooooooch .. Had no idea i had shingles until i showed the doc a load of blisters on my butt.
we all have shingles laying dormant in our nerves ( after chicken pox ) it just takes something to trigger it, as in my case 3 slipped discs on my back..
oh its horrid, ache from head to toe ... 😩
glad you have been diagnosed and now you can get the right treatment
take care
jay x
annieschaefer jayneejay
Glad to hear you are improving-it sure has been a tough time lately for you as well. I hear Shingles are simply relentless.
I used to see ads for some type of inoculation against them but haven't lately, wonder if they pulled that drug as well. Seems they release meds here in the States without really giving them a good test out.
Sending you hugs and hoping you continue to improve!
Annie xx
kim94523 jayneejay
jayneejay annieschaefer
i have never heard of a inoculation for shingles..
mind you i never thought i would get it either ..
its the constant aches that wont go away then the Doc said it can last months to years .. He said i have PHN ...
then i read this
The pain of shingles can be excruciating, but the condition goes away in a few weeks -- for most people. In some unlucky folks, shingles pain doesn't end when the rash goes away. It goes on. And on. This is called postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), a form of neuropathic pain that can last for months or years, even after the virus is no longer active.
thought of great thats typical, meno and this and bad back ..
Jeeeeez 😂
hope your keeping well Annie
lovely you hear from you as always
jay x
jayneejay kim94523
yes it is awful...
Had a house move in the middle of all this and its been a slow house move for sure .
but.. That is life and we have to keep positive ... Feel aged 150 but trying to plod on .. With a few ooooch ooooch words out loud 😀
take care
jay x
annieschaefer kim94523
kim94523 annieschaefer
annieschaefer jayneejay
So sorry to hear of the PHN-if it's not one thing, than it's another with us lately. After years of pretty much avoiding visiting the doctors, it seems as though this past year I'm making up for it all now.
I hear you when you say you feel 150 yrs old at times. Mine for a different reason and good Lord, I so sound like my mom when I was younger. Used to drive me crazy as I didn't understand. Nothing like experience to give us a greater understanding, now is there?
Here is to hoping that we all get on the road to recovery real soon and perhaps your PHN will be a short course.
As always, lovely to hear from you. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, Jay!🙏
Annie xx
liggy42062 kim94523
kim94523 liggy42062