Hi there Jay!
Posted , 4 users are following.
I had technical difficulties. Hah Lost my password. 😭. This damn ipad. xxoo
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Posted , 4 users are following.
I had technical difficulties. Hah Lost my password. 😭. This damn ipad. xxoo
1 like, 66 replies
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jayneejay HotDot7
wow its been so long .... Glad your okay ...
How are ya these days .. Apart from the password and ipad ...
Jay xx
HotDot7 jayneejay
beth64101 HotDot7
Glad your better. The feeling off balance isn't fun at all. I think I have the wobbly legs sometimes. I never know what all to expect because this all is crazy!! I'm thankful for this forum though. At least we are not alone in this madness. I never in a million years expect perimenopause the symptoms. I always wonder how did the women do it way back in the days!!
jayneejay HotDot7
ummmm, wobbly legs can keep on for a while.. Did for me. 😞
not all the time though.. Comes and goes tyoe of thing.. Good days and bad days of it throughout peri..
glad your feeling better with the vertigo etc
marlene21102 HotDot7
HotDot7 marlene21102
marlene21102 HotDot7
jayneejay HotDot7
oh thats not nice ... 😢
' down the wrong hole' splutter ...
my chelated magnesium are big devils ...
You will laugh as i shove loads in my big mouth at once and swallow the lot.
may not do that now, theres no one to pat my back ..
restarted my Maca 5.1 today its good stuff been on it years, but thought i would have a months break.. And I can always tell when i come off it for a while... So boosting up again.
Maca great for peri meno thats the first thing i used years ago for my early peri years just on its own... Very good i thought ...
its now i take all and sundry .. But it all seems to help...I feel relatively sane.
had a couple of flushes today though.. Dam things .. Thought they had gone again... I just feel sooooo warm with in .. 😢
and the odd flush here and there .. Mind you its been mighty warm again here today..
jay xx
Tazchurch HotDot7
Having said that how you feeling today?
jayneejay Tazchurch
hows you today
jay xx
HotDot7 Tazchurch
Tazchurch jayneejay
Now got a yellow vaginal discharge and feeling even sicker so had to up anti-nauseant, Dr had said start at one a day but could have up to three. Also now feels like a pair of giant hands have pelvis in vice like grip.
Hope your headache better ad that you slept well.
Taz xxx
jayneejay Tazchurch
Did you tell doc about the yellow vaginal discharge ?
Jay xx
Yellow discharge can be a sign of infection also Bacterial Vaginosis Taz..
BV needs antibiotics vaginally ..
It doesnt get better on its own, i was left untreated with this for 10 months or more and it took hold of me .. ( my first useless doc here in spain ) did a smear ( long weird story) and told me results were cancer clear, all was fine, but he didnt tell me my result said BV and he didnt give me treatment.
( i have the result its in black and white)
My discharge wasnt smelly just white and milky, but it can be yellow, green, fishy aswell.
Anyway as i still felt odd, hot in my body, not right etc then i went to the Gyno for well woman checks thorough,had another smear and result was BV still . ( Cytolytic Vaginosis and thrush) and i was treated with vaginal clindamycin ovules followed by laurimic thrush ovules ..
BV sounds awful buts its not an STD it is a change in flora etc build up too much ..
Vaginal PH too high ..
Jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
marlene21102 Tazchurch
HotDot7 Tazchurch
Tazchurch marlene21102
jayneejay Tazchurch
yes hun you want to mention as thats your menopause kicking in hun..
jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
Taz xxx
jayneejay Tazchurch
i am okay thanks hun..
just having other things bothering me right now ..
( non menopause ) 😃
so called professionals not being professional ...
that is life ... full of prats
jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
Taz xxx
jayneejay Tazchurch
i am just googling how to wring a incompetant solicitors neck
jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
jayneejay Tazchurch
a wet bath towel better it needs more effort 😃
got telly on and this women reckons shes been aducted by aliens ..
Jeeeeez .. i have some of what shes on... hahahahahahaha
hope its not a menopause symptom hahahahaha
Jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
jayneejay Tazchurch
yes keep your windows shut ' the aliens are coming '
what a load of old twoddle..
they would soon put me back 😃
i will wring their little necks today
ps ..
if i am not on here tomorrow i tempted fate and was taken by the aliens
jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
beth64101 jayneejay
We have aliens???
marlene21102 jayneejay
jayneejay beth64101
i was referring to a woman on TV how said she was taken by aliens
personally i think shes lost the plot .. 😳
jay xx
beth64101 jayneejay
jayneejay marlene21102
hahaha i dont drink.. so all bottles closed here ..
talking of sleeping with one eye open, i tend to have both eyes open as dont dam well sleep very well ..
oh my lord i am a moany one today ..
jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
jayneejay Tazchurch
glad your seeing the Doc tomorrow as you need checking out hun..
jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
jayneejay Tazchurch
yeah i hope so, tell Doc everything thats occurring ..
blimey i am roasting.. its hot here again.. 28 degrees ..
seems to get hotter in spain in the early evening ...
jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
Can't find a compromise clothing wise that works
jayneejay Tazchurch
oh hun i so feel for you, your menopause is a sudden shock, instant, where as mine has been a steady decline ....
i must say though my flushes i only had in early peri, and night sweats in early peri, but the flushes came back post meno, had a summer of plenty of flushes here in the heat.. 😳
had a couple yesterday.. but .. for me just post meno, i feel so warm inside, all the time, weird.. hate putting a top on, hate it, have to though when i go out wringing peoples necks 😃 hehehehehe
shorts and bra me everyday.. and still i am warm.. AC on and off all day..
my son said he was cold other day and i thought he was bonkers ..
we went out saturday and he said oh its cool today with his layers on ..
it was really warm for me ..
must be just me i think..
jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
As you know not even told would go into the menopause let alone what that could mean 😔
jayneejay Tazchurch
i know hun... they think all women know i suppose, when they dont ..
its that doctor / patient - bad communication thing again ..
everything should be explained ... whether a woman knows or not..
i was advised to have a hysterectomy when i had very bad endometriosis, it was they can laser it off, but it would return with in 5 years, so told me to have a full Hyster.. luckily i knew about menopause and hysterectomy and i said no, big fat NO.. i will try the laser, i had the laser and my endometriosis never came back, ever .. it was so severe the adhesions i couldnt walk straight the pulling in my pelvis was awful .. i had hours of surgery to laser it all off.
moral of the story..
i would of had a hysterectomy done for no reason aged 31 ....if i had said okay do it ..
i take no notice of what they say these days, seems they want to quickest fix for them and bye bye ..
just lately in my experience here where i live i have needed second opinions as the first dentist was bad and said nothing wrong.. when it was ..
and my Dutch Doctors was useless, in more ways than one and ledt me with an untreated BV he knew i had and said all was fine ..
so we live and learn ..
jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
Agree with you about expecting us to know, told cyst on each ovary then asked what I wanted but given no choices and only knew what little had read