High blood sugar with peri, how long did it take you ladies to get it down and did it stay down

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Already did a post asking if anyone out there has had high blood sugar" mainly fasting " with there menopause symptoms, never diabetic...  There were quite a few out there.....looking for more info if you have any for me, has anyone been diagnosed with diabetes? 

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23 Replies

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    Beverly I wake up every morning to a weird feeling. I can only describe it as it starts in my stomach, travels up my body and into my shoulders leaving that area feeling sore.

    I'm not sure if it's cortisol or sugar levels. Or just another symptom of the menopause . It is horrible

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      i would get your blood sugar cked just in case, I have ran into quite a few girls that have this, and I don't want to be on meds if I don't have to.. Take care girl

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    Hi there - I am in menopause & yes, my blood sugar jumped from fasting 108 to 116 in less than a year.  I really try to watch my sugar consumption (but it’s in everything) & my Carbs Also & am a fairly clean eater.  I also think it’s interesting that my inflammation was elevated along with cortisol & of course I am on Blood Pressure RX.  It all goes to pot, once you hit menopause.  There is no diabetes in my family, so the elevated blood sugar has to be coming from diet & being “menopausal overweight” I want my old self back pronto!

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      Do you know if you got it down? Or do you have to check again,  mine just started about 6months ago and I get checked regular because I have to go every three month for hashimotos... Good luck Debra.. I think cortisol and inflammation also
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    They said mine was a little high but doesn’t make sense ... I don’t eat any sugar apart from a little jam on a rice cake and the sugar that’s already in milk . I’m practically vegan and don’t eat processed food .  I think it’s a scam to get people on more medication. They probably changed the parameters as they did with cholesterol levels . 
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      Lori, I think you answered my last discussion... Mine is pretty high in the morn up in the 130 I'm a little over weight maybe 10 pounds, but it always levels out during the day, a couple of the other girls told me they had similar... Maybe the cortisol also.  Do u also have trouble sleeping I timk it adds a lot of physical stress also,  my blood pressure went up also, not on meds yet but probably need it...💕

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      i also get tingling and numbness in my hands and feet when I sleep, I've heard this symptom quite a few times,  on 66 symptoms of menopause but who knows

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      At the moment I’m more concerned with the mental health and getting straight with my hormones ..... all the other stuff seems easy to sort out . But your mental and hormonal health is the tough one .

      I take so much stuff to sleep Wine Medical marijuana Melatonin sometimes 1/2 Xanax but I’ve never been a good sleeper since I was a child so .... I’m used to it . I also go for a good workout most days which helps you sleep too. 

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      Yes I get that too ... all the little things even sweating at night doesn’t phase me ... but the fatigue and mental stuff is debilitating ! 
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      Hi Beverly - I personally do think our bodies go haywire during this time in life.  Please try to look up natural remedies for lowering your blood pressure, before u  get put on B/P RX’s - Again, I think Drs want to push these meds, obviously if your B/P is critical, then you need medication, but if slightly elevated try bringing it down naturally. All medication has side effects, take it from me. Clean up your diet, food is medicine & it can work in your favor to help so many things.  Two things you need to probably start taking is magnesium & drinking beet juice to reduce blood pressure.  Also understand that “white coat syndrome” is a real thing, so if you can, start monitoring your blood pressure at home, writing down your readings with date & time with both arms & at different times of the day (note if u just had caffeine, food etc) give these readings to your dr before any RX is prescribed.  I did not do this & got put on a horrible B/P RX that caused me lots of side effects.  Also is important to google the proper way to take your B/P, feet flat on floor, arm level with heart etc. I think we really need to get educated about our health here & becoming advocates for ourselves & not just let drs prescribe endless RX’s - again, I am not saying to shun all RX, if you are diabetic, than by all means, you need insulin - I hope u get what I am saying - 

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      I take marijuana and az xanax also,  trying to stop the Xanax, but have to get sleep

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    Hi Beverly - I also have the tingling hands & get sunburn sensation on my back, chest & front of my calves & have had electric shock feeling in hands & feet - pretty much had all 66 symptoms - it is not a picnic for sure - 

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      Thanks for the good advice Debra,  I also had to cut back my happy hour wine, because I read this can effect both my bp and blood sugar... Never had a problem before,  another thing with haywire hormones right!!! Just have to go with it... Just when it starts affecting the big stuff I really need to pay attention,  eat cleaner, do some natural herbs if I can....the stuff with your hands can be a little scary because it can be a symptom of something more sinister 
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      Hi Beverly - I too, enjoy my wine , I really love red, but stopped drinking it because I developed Rosacea during menopause (another lovely symptom) plus I felt red wine was really making my flushing worse with hot flashes....So, I switched to white wine which I don’t really love & the nutritionist told me white wine has a lot more sugar than red (maybe the increase in my blood sugar levels since I really don’t eat sugar aside from my few glasses of wine) nutrionist said better to have a spirit like vodka & tequila with soda water, but I am not a hard liquor girl - OY VEY! 

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      That is so funny Debra, I'm not a hard liquor gal ether!!  I also stopped red wine,  because of effects,  I don't eat sweets ether, so I'm baffled,  I am also watching my white wine and cking my blood sugars throughout the day....There may be more gals that actually have problems with blood sugar and don't know I think the only reason I know is because I have to go to the doc every three months for my hashimotos...

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      Hi there - Yes, this whole menopause thing is really a “Buzz Kill” hah! Get it?  My husband brought home a beautiful bottle of Syrah bottled by a local vintner & I did say I love red wine, so I had to have a glass  & 1/2.  Boy, did I pay the price for that...woke up next day with allergy attack,  Rosacea flaring & slight migraine...is this what it’s all come down to?  No fun? No joy? Ugh! 

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      I'm sorry but u are cracking me up, we've got to make fun of something right now, right!!! It sure was good at the time. Huh?  I'm having a couple glasses tonight and my blood sugar will probably go crazy but I need it, just going to watch closely.  You are right headache

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      I'm becoming a crazy paranoid person Deb!!!

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      Yes, I think there is a fine art to keeping a “level head” about all these health issues.  Both of my parents lived to be 96 years old, both smoked cigarettes for about 60 of those years, drank socially, ate a steady diet of meat & potatoes, were not members of any gym except the “gym” of hard work & each ate a bowl of ice cream with nuts on top every night while watching TV.  Both of my parents maintained their weight their whole lives, & I look at food & grow a love handle - what is different? stress? Chemicals in our food? Pollution in our air? Toxins all around? I don’t get it - I am just so tired of not feeling great & enjoying life because I feel “off”

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      You REALLY hit the nail on the head! Often think the same thing. Thank you for easing my mind a bit. ☺
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      Yes my grandparents too .... smoked  and drank all their lives but ate loads of stews and parts of animals  I’ve never heard of ... lived to 92 and 94 
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      Hi Lori - I laugh because I am talking about my parents...yes, I am 61 & my parents had me late in life...my Mom was 39 & my Dad was 37 - & yes, my Mom made oxtail stew very regularly & basically it was a very “cheap meat”.  I laugh cause Bone broth is all the rage now, but my Mom would render those oxtails so she would get the broth from the marrow.  Yes, things come full circle.  We all need to keep things in perspective about our health & know this is just a phase, & I guess we need to try & find the joy in life instead of dwelling on the negative.  Believe me, I know it’s so challenging - 

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