High heart rate....ugh

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Sitting in dr. office to get medication refills and heartrate is though the roof. NEVER happened before perimenopause. I am so annoyed. Anyone else???

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    yep for the past few years i been dealing with it off and on and always at the dr uts through the roof

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    Yes, absolutely. I've been in peri about 5 years now. I'm 49. I have had slightly elevated blood pressure and heart rate my whole life. Seriously, even as a teen my heart rate was always slightly elevated. My doctors over the years have told me that for some people their normal can be a little higher. I have had a lot of tests over the years and everything came back normal. BUT! Since I have been in peri my heart rate will just escalate out of nowhere. It will be more sensitive when I am in the doctor's office, at the dentist, helping with senior parents, etc. Sometimes if I am about to have a hot flush, my heart rate will escalate. This all got much worse after I started experiencing peri symtoms (and I have had them all).

    My doctor has told me repeatedly this heart rate escalation is due to ever fluctuating hormones. About a year ago my doctor put me on BHRT and this has helped tremendously with many of my peri symptoms, but not all. When my own natural hormones are wildly in flux, (in conjunction with the BHRT) I will sometimes get the racing heart. I have seen improvement with BHRT and I don't get a racing heart as often as before I started the therapy. It is very frustrating and can be stressful, but please know you are not alone!! This is very common in peri/menopause. When this comes on, I try to take deep slow breaths and remember that it will pass.

    I wish you the very best of health. We will get through this!

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    If you noticed it in your Dr office there is a thing called White Coat Syndrome. Where bp and heart rate elevates inexplicably in a medical setting. I can go into my Dr office and have low bp and normal heart rate and then for whatever reason some times my bp is high and my heart rate is elevated. Dr and I just stare at each other like WTH? I take bp meds and one is to regulate my heart rate.

    My husband is the most mellow person and he will go in to Dr office and his vitals will go up.

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      I try to tell her that! I told her the minute I leave her office and get in my car to go home I'm fine. But NO... She wants to give me an ECG, which makes my anxiety so much worse. Of course, she is not in perimenopause yet so she has NO idea! She prescribed me a Beta blocker 🤦‍

    • Posted

      unfortunately it seems Drs hand out beta blockers like candy. Also they are not so easy to go off of. I know because I have been on one for years. Plus other bp meds. Beta blockers regulate heart rate, but you need to be weaned off them, Never just stop taking them if you take them for any length of time. According to my RN brother who also takes beta blockers that it is a life long medication even if down to a maintenance dose. It is worth getting the facts and ask the questions before starting any maintainence medication. I will never be off a beta blocker. I take carvedilol. 50 mg twice a day. I didn't start out that high. I was prescribed by a cardiologist. That being said if you feel you don't have a constant problem with heart rate then I would get a second opinion. I would consider if you don't have one get a bp cuff for at home. I check my heart rate and bp regularly. It varies. But I get palps, skips, racing hearts and raised bp that are anomalies. Hormones. I am 2.5 years post meno and still have issues with hormones.

      Maybe go see a cardiologist. Your Dr can only go by the snapshot of what they see in their office. Then make recommendations. I personally don't like that Drs dole out heart meds. It isn't their area of expertise.

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    Yes, had it this morning along with feeling faint and feeling like I had a temperature which freaked me out even more. Took temp and it was 67.9!

    Hate these hormone rides!

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