Hope for hot flashes

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Hi to all those women who suffer this debilitating symptom of menopause. I have been suffering for 8 years now. I recently went to a Naturopath for other health reasons. He gave me a managanese supplement which is helpful for profuse sweating. My internal heat problem has settled right down despite being in the middle of summer and getting temps of 28 degrees. Worth a try ladies and not terribly expensive . My supplement contains 40 mg of manganese ( chelated ) .smile

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Does it only help the heating issue or other problems too? But, I do have bad hot flashes that trigger other problems. I wonder if other people have this, where they get a hot flash and then a joint swelling at the same time. Its weird
    • Posted

      Hot flashes are nothing than your body's temperature trying to regulate itself. Unfortunately, it can bring on other symptoms, such as joint swelling whichs means that you're probably going to have arthritis. Our bodies are also releasing toxins which will bring out whatever else has entered your system and is being exposed. All our ailments will come out in this stage. So it's not so weird, as it does happen to a lot of women.
    • Posted

      Yes, you are correct and its very, very upsetting, I am really trying hard NOT to go over the edge, I am looking at getting therapy, I cannot even have a 24 hr period of total wellness. I try to look at the bright side and I am grateful that my health is not worse, but I just want to go back to feeling good most of the time. I am tired of sore boobs, painful underarm, arm pain like I got punched, nausea, forgetting everything, flu like symptoms, pain under the ribs, knotty shoulders, cysts, sick of all of this and I feel angry that I was blindsided by it, I did not expect this, I thought it would be hot flashes and thats it,.  OK, I had my rant. Its done. 
    • Posted

      Yes, Lennie, I went through the same, and it is awful. But there are alternatives, like Borage oil, primrose, Hot Flash pills over the counter, flax seed oil, which helps a lot, st. john's wort. *Calcium, vitamin D3 and vitamin C are a big help as well.

      I recall not being able to have anyone touch my legs, they were sore to the touch. Acupuncture took away the flu like symptoms all over my body,

    • Posted

      I am writing all of those things down right NOW, I was in the healthfood store today and the owner and I were talking and he was telling me that anything they give you at the dr. while it may give an immediate relief more than likely it can cause other problems too. Whereas the natural approach to fixing these things seem really, really slow, but as he said it took years for these problems to develop and they are not going to go away in a day or two. Thank you so much for telling me about these alternatives.
    • Posted

      Yes, Lennie, but taking some things can be immediate like making a flax seed juice. In 2-4 days you will feel the effects working.  Take about 1/2 cup flax seeds 2 cups of water boil until it becomes slighty syrupy. Not thick, you can tell it's starting to get thick when you take the spoon and from high you let the liquid fall. When the liquid is all altogether like syrup that's when it's done. Take it off the stove, let it sit, add your favorite flavor, but not tea or anything with caffeine. We had strawberry flavor or tamarind juice, you can use any but a maybe 1/4 cup of it, add a little sweetner, put it in the fridge for about 4 hours and drink about a cup. I would drink about 4-6 oz.  Drink it everyday, however, just because the symptoms go away doesn't mean you're done, keep drinking it until the hot flashes become less and less. Also, your overall health will start to get better. Hope this helps.

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