hope someone can help!!!
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I use want to know if anyone else has experienced these symptoms and I am 42 years old. This past week I had my period for three days and then it just stopped, however I continued to have horrible, horrible headaches, muscle aches over my whole body and my vagina area (sorry prob to much info LOL) is throbbing. I am not sick with anything else, so I have no idea what is going on with my body. When I looked up perimenopause a lot of these symptoms were listed. Anyone else experience this? It's almost like I have my period but nothing is coming out. The throbbing in my private area is worrying me. Any help would be appreciated.
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tracy5858 dane521
dane521 tracy5858
tracy5858 dane521
gentleballads dane521
im finding your post really helpful to read and relate to
but i have no tips
for the past three days ive also had those throbbings and funny weird movements down in there
sometimes i felt as though my uterus was gonna come out of my vagina !!
sometimes it felt like a baby moving in there
id also have cramps and it would feel as though i was gonna start another period- my last one was feb 19th.
ive read about cramps without period in meno by A Vogel's latest newsletter but not about throbbings and movements down there and was so worried.
its pointless to go to a doc to ask this - he/shes just gonna look at you a second time and tell you to to go see a psychiatric doc !
your post helped me, it doesnt happen all the time, just off and on, so weird
tracy5858 gentleballads
dane521 gentleballads
monique_93857 dane521