Hope to make you smile....
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Oh ladies, you know this has been nearly 3 years now I have been back and forth to you all for advice and support and telling my story, and this month oh Mother Nature is being cruel to me and I have been so up and down but here is something to make you smile.
So I had the disaster with the Norethisterone and of course one tablet stopped bleeding although I felt like I was out of it and was in pain with stomach craps and so nauseous I couldn't eat. Anyone one night's sleep and I was like right let's go back to natural. So of course I started to bleed again and yesterday it ramped up from mild flood to am I actually going to bleed to death?
But thank God for Dr Google who can tell you whatever you need to know including how to catch the bleeding without leaking through all your clothes in the middle of a meeting....since Tuesday morning I have been combining the heaviest absorbency night time incontinence pad with sanitary towel with tight knicker. Downside is sanitary towel floods in now time - using ultra secure night super ones like. Thus making the incontinence pad useless....So I went today with just incontinence pad - okay we are getting 3 HOURS out of a towel and I might feel like I am 15 with a pillow in my knickers but leakage is not imminent. And then this afternoon my Mum arrived with period pants- OMG ladies we have waited 30 years for these pants. I don't know if you can name a brand but two celebs have just developed them and they have a waterproof panel. You wear them with sanitary towel and I am not so bold as to ditch the incontinence pad yet but they fit tight, a couple of leaks and they are supposed to hold them - all I can say is no blood around the edges yet and I don't even feel like I am bleeding to death.
I am having a big steak for tea keep my iron up but if you are flooding and want to be natural get yourself some period pants and some incontinence pads (you can register with the site and try for free the pads) and you too can be confident you are showing the world your reproductive system is giving you a crisis.
If there is such a thing as perimenopausal euphoria I definitely have it, I feel delirious with joy at the moment.
4 likes, 9 replies
kathleen69032 Crazydaisy72
maisie05 Crazydaisy72
metamorphed Crazydaisy72
amber1620 Crazydaisy72
Crazydaisy72 amber1620
Rolling into peri I had the heaviest period I thought I would ever have 3 years ago. I could only describe myself as flooding off my feet for about 2 days and I went on to bleed with only 5 days off from the September to Christmas. But my bloods were fine, had a scan and smear in the January and my periods settled into every 30 or so days same as before. Rolling into 2 years ago I skipped a period from September to Christmas and was so happy! From Christmas through to last summer I went back to irregular periods but every 4-6 weeks and same as before.
I had my last period in August last year and got to 8th Feb and I bled for 10 days but nothing spectacular. I then got to 21st March and started again and bled for 17 days and the last 3 days I had a new level of flooding, much heavier and felt like it would never end. Then I have come on on 7th May and by on Monday 20th reached another level of flooding had had enough and went to the docs. Unfortunately I took the norethisterone which stopped it within 6 hours and no bleeding overnight but then I started again on Tuesday morning and it's been a flood of biblical proportions. For anyone reading this in the future (and I think I will revisit if and when I ever stop bleeding) I used to read about huge clots and floods and whatnot and think OMG - it's definitely scary but I am taking heart from these threads. I have had bloods done and although I feel I am bleeding to death, my iron is okay. I am due a scan on 9th June so I really hope I may have stopped by then.
I must be honest I am really ready to stop for good now or at least get to the bit where it's light and intermittent. I cannot see how I have any womb lining left to shed but still it comes!
Did you have the ablation done? Someone else has said to take it if offered but I am a but sqeamish.
Crazydaisy72 amber1620
Hi Amber sorry I never replied, I pop in here when I am generally bleeding to death. No I am still not in meno and if anyone could tell me where I am up to I would be delighted! I ended up with that period having tranexamic acid which stopped it within 16 tablets and then I didn't have another period for 5 months so until October 16 I bled 10 days took Tranexamic acid on day 7 and thought it wasn't working so lashed the tablets even though I did stop the next day. That period stopped on about the 8th November and I started spotting on 4th December, again flooded all over Christmas (thank God for Bank Holidays!!!) and stopped on 9th January (no tranexamic acid!) only to start up again on 16th January. Strangest period ever, bit of a gush then 12 hours of nothing, then a gush, few hours of nothing and I thought yay I have cracked it. But oh no...Friday afternoon, Saturday, Sunday and by Monday I was literally flowing. You know when people talk huge clots - these redifined clots for me - a good half the size of my palm and dark dark red blood (sorry if TMI for anyone!). So I ran to my GP on Tuesday to get the Tranexamic acid and been taking it (now had 9 doses as not fully stopping although slowed). No end in bloody sight literally!
CCinCal Crazydaisy72
amber1620 Crazydaisy72