Hormonal fluctuations

Posted , 8 users are following.

Hey ladies! Ive been on this forum for most of this year. Its been a tough year on and off with these lovely hormones, some days i just wanna cry with how scary it is and other days I'm fine. I just want to say thanks for all of you who have made me feel like I'm not alone and not going crazy. Merry Christmas ladies. We can do this!!!! X

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Claire I know how you feel been premenopause for 2 years now still have my bad days but having more good ones

    I don't know what I would have done with out the lovely ladies on here my doctor was not that help full .

    Hope you have a good Christmas

    Take care


  • Posted

    I'm 2 weeks new to the forum and I love all of you already! You've given me my life back.

    Merry Christmas !!

  • Posted

    Merry Christmas!

    This forum has saved me this past year too. you ladies were here for me thru my darkest times. I am also having more good days than bad lately. they are not symptom free but so much better than just a few months ago. idk what i would have done without you all. what did women do before internet. I prob would have ended up in psych ward.

    hope you all are having better days and new ladies here.. acceptance is huge! once i accepted it. stopped fighting it and deal with what is given to me daily, it helps. i was so afraid i was dying. it still crosses my mind on occation but i push it quickly away. and i started estrogen patch. just keep trying things that will work for you smile

    • Posted

      Thanku ladies!! Your right Kim, acceptance is a big thing and not thinking of how we used to be before this. CBT i think helps me too, and just taking 20 mins to stop and just relax and breathe. You are all fab. X
  • Posted

    Hi Claire, few words it will get better with time symptoms subsides so hang in there.
  • Posted

    Ahhhh bless you. Just know you are not alone. I found this forum almost 2 years ago believe me it was my life saver!

    Merry Christmas!

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