Hormone hell
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Hey ladies,
I’m having such a horrible hormone hell. I feel like an insane person. Like I’m literally going crazy. Most days it’s insomnia and severe anxiety. The. The next day ( like today) it’s horrible depression and just feeling hopeless. Also such bad headaches.
I have no one who gets it and it’s just such a lonely suffering. I’m intolerant to anti depressants and anti anxiety mess so I have to just push through.
But it’s so hard. I hate having almost everyday be a struggle. I just want to feel good and normal again.
Sorry for the rant, but I’m really having a hard time with this all.
Thanks for listening.
5 likes, 45 replies
Guest missy65351
Hi Missy, sorry you feel lousy. We’re here for you! I’m on an AD. But, understand if you are intolerant. The AD did not help with my insomnia, so I started liquid melatonin before bed. I’m sure at some point it will wear off, but I’m going with it for now. Seems to be working. 😊
lisa68384 missy65351
Ditto! I'm in the middle of a long stretch of bad symtpoms too. I just tell myself..."I've been here before, I'll have good days again". It's so hard though. It's so hard not having someone close by that understands the symptoms and struggles. At least we have this forum to keep us from totally loosing it. And I have days where I literally feel like I'm going to go crazy. The good news is...we always make it through. Hang tight Missy! We're on the same crazy path that you are on. Hugs!
missy65351 lisa68384
It’s exhausting. And I’m already exhausted due to poor sleep.
You can message me any time if you need a “hormone” buddy.
mauiblue missy65351
How old are you and how long are you into this?
Yes i understand all too well how you feel. You do feel like your going crazy its ridiculous. But assure yourself that you are not.
did you give the antidepressants enough time to work? I tried but for me the same, didnt work and maybe i didnt wait long enough.
Have you tried anything calming that is natural like valerian for anxiety and sleep?
Or lemon balm, skullcap, there are so many things, maybe try one and see if something works.
Let us know how its going, i get it.
x0x0x0 with it.
missy65351 mauiblue
I’ve tried some natural things but didn’t have great success. My body’s weird.
I just hate the constant back and forth in feelings. And I miss good sleep.
Thanks for reaching out though.
mauiblue missy65351
I think i know of the mutation, Ive got it as well, but hetero no homo.
Id be curious to know.
Sleep will help a lot. Its a phase also. you will go through it but there are really good things that can help at least knock you out naturally.
I am also sensitive and take NOTHING so i get it.
jill19850 missy65351
what kind of side effects? i'm supposed to start Prozac tomorrow and am terrified.
missy65351 jill19850
missy65351 lucy48229
I’m starting stuff soon with a new natural doctor. So I’m definitely gonna need some adrenal support and some BHRT. Can’t wait to get started. This is horrible. Thanks for the advice
lori93950 missy65351
lori93950 missy65351
The only glimpse of ME is after I’ve worked out and had a glass of wine then the next day comes and it starts all over again . Even if I manage to get out with friends I feel ‘lost’
It’s all the hormone fluctuations and it’s the WORST thing I’ve ever been through !!
All I can say is GOD help us ... I feel your pain !
We have lost control of our bodies and minds NOBODY should have to go through this it’s a CRIME !!!
Guest lori93950
missy65351 lori93950
bev27429 lori93950
So well said, Lori! I couldn't agree more. It feels like we are all being punished, but for what?! If I hadn't been experiencing this insanity myself, I would never have thought that it was possible!
lori93950 missy65351
missy65351 lori93950
juanita93228 lori93950
At least you worked out. I haven't been to the gym once this week. I've just been going home and having a glass(or two lol) of wine. This morning I didn't even take a shower before going to work(I take one at night too, so it's not like I'm stinky). I just took a sponge bath. That's VERY unusual for me, because my morning shower is like my coffee, it wakes me up. I just can't seem to get up. I should be out of bed by 6am to make it to work on time. I've been getting up at 7am and I lay there wanting to call in sick, but I didn't today because I have a friend who is in poor health right now and she probably wishes she had my health. So I thank God for letting me see another day and carry on as best I can. I just wish this joylessness phase would pass soon, it's just not me!!!