Hormones ?

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Getting panicky now , still feel really sick and boobs are horrendous. GP useless feel like going to A and E. Can't keep anything down, done the ginger tea and now sipping peppermint and nettle. Can hormones or lack of really make you feel this bad ? Three years in surgical meno now , sick and tired literally..

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    I am so sorry Lou. Yes, i think hormones and anxiety together can really make you feel like your dying. I can relate completely.
    • Posted

      Thank you yes it's just awful, have you felt this bad aswell ?

    • Posted

      Yes, things got really bad for me a couple years ago. The anxiety and digestive issues made it impossible for me to lead a normal life.
    • Posted

      That's awful. Are you feeling much better now , may I ask if you take HRT or any other supplements ?

  • Posted

    Hi Lou

    I had a large breast cyst, which I stupidly ignored, caused great pain. Once it was drained the relief was instant. Have you had your breasts checked?

    Have you tried the acupressure bands for sickness? They helped my daughter with morning sickness. You can even apply the pressure to yourself. Two fingers width down from wrist crease. Google acupressure points for sickness. 

    Hope you find something to help you soon xx

    • Posted

      breast cyst had t thought of that, something else to consider, Uugghh x
  • Posted

    So sorry to hear that from you. What if you go to GP and demand that I want to speak to my Genecologest - spelling may be wrong, you need a specialist. Grrrr so angry.

    Good luck!

    • Posted

      Your right I need help. Thanks - im wondering weather to ring my consultants secretary, he said I could ring direct without going through my GP ,, but that was three years ago, I wonder if that still stands.
  • Posted

    Oh yes, surgical menopause is horrendous! At least it has been for me. Did your doctor never prescribe hormones? If not, why not?? Although some women in natural menopause also suffer a great deal, their bodies typically settle in over time once the ovaries completely transition to their post-menopausal levels of hormones. You don't nor never will have the benefit of those ovarian hormones. This deficiency has been shown to increase risk for many health problems, some of which are mitigated by taking HRT.

    I was in a terrible almost non-functional state, including suicidal depression, until I got enough estrogen in my system.

    I hope you can get some help and relief! This is no way to live!

  • Posted

    Hi lou86, did they leave your ovaries in? I think you should look for a menopause clinic in your area. They are specifically trained in dealing with menopause issues.

    Good luck.

    • Posted

      Hi Maria, no ovaries are sadly gone along with everything else. ...., good idea , wonder why my GP didn't suggest this - thank you.

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