horrendous bleeds and asthma
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asthmatic well controlled all my life. Peri menopausal massive heavy bleeds. Prior to bleed asthma worsens. Once period kicks in my asthma settles down. I have kept a chart proving connection between periods and asthma attacks. Both my go and asthma look at me as though I am mad! Has any other asthmatic found this ???? I am 46 my periods are like clockwork but now knock me off my feet they are so heavy
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susan21149 loreen04671
Camikitten susan21149
loreen04671 Camikitten
nancy0925 loreen04671
I don't doubt it Loreen, I know I've had to take an allergy pill everyday since my mid 40's. In fact since I turned 40 (am 52 now) my body changed so much. From bowel disorders, bad indigestion, cysts popping up, weight gain, heavy bleeding and since turning 50 many other peri symptoms. I'm chalking it all up to hormone changes. Fun isn't it?
Zantecat loreen04671
Camikitten Zantecat
Cami x
Zantecat Camikitten
Camikitten Zantecat
Zantecat Camikitten
loreen04671 Zantecat
Camikitten Zantecat
shaznay96184 loreen04671
I think I had glanced at an article a few weeks back in the on-line version of the 'Daily Mail' (UK). In the same week they had a great article about menopause one day and the next a woman's experience of her asthma becoming must worse in the build-up to her Period.
Sorry, I didn't read it in-depth, but would appear to be that some Docs in the UK are acknowledging a connection.
I was never asthmatic. However in the past few years my breathing has gradually got worse (not helped by where I live, of course). So much so that I now have an inhaler that I use periodically.
However.......I after reading lots of articles in the Press, I wonder if my irritating 'asthmatic' cough is sometimes bought on by acid reflux?? I'm almost certain it is as I understand the acid can be inhaled into the lungs. I note too that loads of ladies comment on acid reflux as a symptom of theri Peri.
If nothing else, I get an awful lot of reassurance that many of my symptoms that I would ordinarily have thought were totally random, are indeed all part of this bloody Curse we're all forced to endure!!!
! For me, it makes it a bit easier to bear as I suppose at some point they'll all go......ever the optimist, me!