Horrible day - will this ever end??

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Hello ladies, I guess I’m looking for some positive stories, as I’m hoping I’m at the peak of this roller coaster, as the past few months have been awful, literally only getting a few good days here and there, with the bad days leaving me unable to function - today I had terrible nausea, zero appetite, anxiety, heavy depression, (I’m on my period, which is clotty but fairly light) but I just couldn’t focus on the screen at work - everything was blurry, so I had to just go home - anyone else get this?? I’ve been on estradot patches for 2 months, but coming off them because I’m in peri (I’m 41 but having symptoms since I was 38) and I’m not actually low in oestrogen, so I think they are actually making me worse, so I’m having a mirena coil put in on Friday to see if that helps to balance things out, please no horror stories about that ! 

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry you’re having BAD day ... I’ve had many and it’s HELL. How is the HRT making you worse ? I just went on the patch and don’t feel great on it (albeit had one good day) . 
  • Posted

    Hi Karen

    I do have a positive story. I've been off work for 4 months, after my thyroid, iron and hormone levels dropped through the floor. I couldn't sleep, was fatigued, sick, aches and pain, anxious and depressed. I started on bhrt in March and I'm heading back to work tomorrow. My anxiety is much much better, I sleep well with the help of kalms, no aches and pains and I have more energy than I've had for years. My libido is still hopeless, but on the whole I feel like a new person. I've helped myself as much as I can with yoga, running, cycling, meditation and have been using a homeopath and a hypnotist. I'm 43, and have had primary ovarian failure diagnosed at 16, and so I'm sure our medical circumstances are different.... But there is hope. Its not easy to get through at all and I'm sure ill have more to come, but I now know how strong I am. I'm not afraid of how I feel any more, and every day there's a challenge of some sort but I'm just focusing on moving forward and taking each day and symptom as they come. A friend once told me 'it hurts less when you stop fighting yourself ' and she was so right. I've spent so many years frightened of how I feel and scared of the future, but once I started to just accept good days and bad days, I started to get it. It was no good my hormones kicking my butt, and me doing the same...... Way too much butt kicking going on smile I'm sorry you feel bad today, but take it as it comes. Be really kind to yourself and I hope you're through it soon xxx

    • Posted

      Glad you’re feeling better Sassy so good to hear ‘good news’ ! I crashed at 41 too and had no idea it was hormones ... took a while but got myself straight . You are still young and you’ve got years before everything stops and becomes irregular . Plus you will be so well educated when that time comes and hopefully won’t crash again . 
    • Posted

      Thanks Lori

      Put it this way, I have no plans to stop bhrt.... I'm not going back, ever! smile hope you get some relief soon, hang on in there xx

    • Posted

       Not sure if I’ve asked you before but are you on a combo patch estrogen only patch or cream and pills ?
    • Posted

      Hi Lori

      I'm on utrogestan capsules, sandrena cream and testogel cream.... Works great for me. I never tried a patch, only nouvelle hrt and elleste but they didn't suit xx

    • Posted

      Well glad it’s working... I’m yet to find the right combo and about to give up . My testosterone is good ... go figure .. maybe all the weights i lift 🤣 

      I have the cream too but another dr said it was too low the doseage I think it’s 0.01mg

    • Posted

      Can you start a new thread with your personal story ? For those of us just starting this journey it would be really helpful and inspiring .... so if you could tell us what worked what didn’t work why and the side effects . I’m sure all the other ladies would love to hear how you got to where you are today . 
  • Posted

    Hi Karen, does the mirena coil give you progesterone? Because that's probably what you need. I've been using progesterone cream religiously for the past few months and I have to say that I finally feel like I'm starting to get better. Not 100% but so much better and able to function almost every day now. I even had a few days where it seemed like all my symptoms went away. I'm two years in to the worse of it, so maybe it's just time, but does seem like the cream may be helping. I hope the mirena coil does the trick for you!



    • Posted

      Glad you’re feeling better Suzanne ! Are you on a low dose ? 

      Personally it was the progesterone in the patch that was making me ‘WEIRD’ I can use an over the counter progesterone cream that isn’t as strong with no problems. However read that many women have a bad reaction to progesterone . So if you recognize the signs .. crying dark thoughts depression ... and I mean really DARK thoughts .

    • Posted

      I'm using an otc natural cream, and I have only been using it once a day. 

      So it is low dose. I have heard others talk about bad reactions to progesterone as well. I did try compounded progesterone last year in oral form, all that happened was that I got pretty snippy. But my anxiety wouldn't let me continue taking it, I was too worried that I would have bad side effects. It did get me to start back on a regular sleeping schedule though. 

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