Horrible Menses

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Ok so I thought that I would get some relief when I have my period. Well, after two days of spotting, I finally got my flow and I feel horrible.

These cramps are the worst I've had in a long time. Feels like some is twisting my uterus with their bare hands. I don't have a headache, but I have that weird head thing going on. This is the pits.

Sorry ladies, just needed to get that off my chest.

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22 Replies

  • Posted

    Ughhh do I know how you feel! I always have gotten horrific cramps even after having kids I can't begin to tell you how much Advil I take its horrible I do use a heating pad which slightly helps my cramps have gotten worse in peri and I almost feel like I can do anything and I also get menstrual migraines too I just can't wait for this to all be over with I have had enough! I'm sure a lot of women can relate to you I know I do
    • Posted

      These cramps are so bad that I don't remember having them this bad. I usually get headaches with my menses before, during, and after, but the last three cycles I didn't get headaches, I got really weird head pressure. I'm at the market now but trying my best to get back to the house as fast as I can. These cramps are hurting my bum, lower back, legs and everything. I just want to crawl in my bed and stay in it
    • Posted

      Omg I make a joke that I need a morphine drip when I have my period but part of me isn't joking the pain down the legs the back the front I can compare my cramps to labor pains that's how bad!!!! And my period last month started in January but not a real period the beginning of February I had a period the last time that happened was June I did miss my period in December so it's like I pay the price ughhhh I am just hoping it will end soon!!!!! Get home quick and get in bed I usually have a heating pad on my front and a ice pack on my head it's a nightmare
    • Posted

      I am home, made it to my bed, and I am not getting out of it. I hope these cramps will be done tomorrow, I don't think I can take another day of these cramps.
    • Posted

      I hope you feel better soon a lot of times I will have tea with no caffeine mind you I'm a coffee drinker but I will force it down which helps sometimes it is difficult being a woman I tell ya my mother never had cramps ever so she had no idea what to do for me when I was younger. I dread that time of the month as always! Even when I skip a month I get crampy like I will get it and don't have all the symptoms and nothing I don't know what's worse! Take it easy we are here if you need to vent
  • Posted

    I'm post menopause and i understand what you say about cramps I got them really bad to where I threw up with them 

    I still feel crampy and sick to my stomach in menopause and there are times I get tired and sluggish and there are times where I can hardly eat 


    • Posted

      I used to have bad cramps, but never as painful as this. My cycles have gotten rather strange lately. Some long with heavy bleeding, some short with light bleeding, spotting then the flow. At this point I feel like aliens have taken over my body.
    • Posted

      I wonder if magnesium oil would help or more magnesium with "cramp bark" in it.. Something to look into. Orr a castor oil pack
    • Posted

      everything you describe is like what happened to me, in almost the same order of symptoms.  i love this, 'aliens have taken over my body'.  It certainly feels like that!  You're doing really well though.  each month brings new stuff but a lot of the other stuff starts getting better and I think that is happening to you too.  Keep posting, really interested to see how things progress for you and you're right to get into bed when you feel crap because it helps.
    • Posted

      I will certainly look into that. I haven't tried magnesium, but I think I will.
    • Posted

      I will definitely keep posting. This forum and you ladies have really been a wonderful and huge help for me. I feel like no one understands me and I can't talk about how I'm feeling without people looking at me sideways. My eyes are welling up with tears and I don't even know why. I'm going to have some tea ( I really want rocky road ice cream) and finish binge watching a tv series and deal with these crazy symptoms bedside.
    • Posted

      Hi again

      Hang in there hopefully the cramps and the icky feeling will pass soon! I usually have three bad days I too try to distract myself too! And your right not too many people understand so at least we have a place to Come and vent hope you have a good nite

    • Posted

      Hi Metamorphed,

      I'm here with my today's update. The cramps have finally settled down. Today I'm dealing with a little nausea, the nervous stomach, and a little diarrhea. I'm nervous today and want to cry and in don't know why. Trying my best not to panic.

    • Posted

      what ever you do, don't start to panic.  take 15 minutes, lie down in a quite room and close your eyes.  you are now about 5 months into this?  so you are getting there, your symptoms should be starting to get less over time.  don't give in to panic, it messes your system up completely so take the time out and practice relaxation, breathing etc,.
    • Posted

      i meant to say,  that this is what I did that helped me (didnt mean to sound like an expert ha, which I am NOT,  just came across like that when I read it back! rolleyes
    • Posted

      You are right. I didn't give in to the panic. I just came back from picking my daughter up from work and was trying my best not to have a panic attack. Yes i'm 5 months in and just taking it day by day.
    • Posted

      Oh no it didn't come across like that all. I value your suggestions and I try them to see what works for me.

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