Hot flash

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I am still not convinced I am having "hot flashes" . I read they go for no longer than five minutes and include a fast heart rate and lots of sweating and going red etc....that is NOT what I am experiencing. I will try to put in order what happens most of the time

  1. my upper arms and upper legs and neck feel hot
  2. my hands and feet start to feel ice cold
  3. my heart will start to jump around like there is a fish flapping around in there, sometimes it seems slower not faster
  4. I sometimes will feel like I am air hungry during this time
  5. I will even look pale at times during this rather than red
  6. I have had shakes with it, a feeling of weakness
  7. Sometimes there is a weird crawling in my head or other parts of the body during this
  8. They can be brief for a few minutes or they can be two in a row over half an hour
  9. I find that if I have one in the day, (or two if it is the half hour one) that I will not have another during that day
  10. I have found when I exert myself or then sit in my car that is the time I am most likely to have it happen or after a shower, or during housework
  11. They are decreasing although more intense and longer around periods and ovulation

Please tell me this is similar to others? That I have not been ignored by my GP? And that its something worse. Have been going through these particular symptoms now for a year and a half.

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21 Replies

  • Posted

    I forgot to add... I often feel achy during this also.

  • Posted

    Bingo!!!! Welcome to the wonderful world of hot flashes. Don't forget the tingling. U feel like u got the flu and the feeling lingers.

    • Posted

      I don't get the sweats either. It just comes over me I feel real weird before it hits

    • Posted

      As much as I do not wish it on anyone.... so glad I am not going crazy or dropping dead just yet and others are going through what I am ..... lets hope all this ends soon

  • Posted

    this is my everyday life i never sweat closer to cycle i get the worse this gets like right now i posted yesterday about constant facial flushing its driving me nuts

    • Posted

      ahhh yes I think I wrote on yours.... I have constant facial flushing as well 😦

  • Posted

    Hi there,

    Yes i would say its a hot flush, i am currently getting them....horrible! not exactly the same, as we are all different but similar, i am currently sporting a head to toe heat rash! as I was told by my GP yesterday I spent most of the previous day going through a whole list of potentially fatal things I could have wrong with me!I have now figured out that if I wear a wet swimming costume under my clothes it deals with my current hot flushes, bit crazy I know probably should just take some sage pills, but it is working for me right now I just feel like I want to get into a fridge when I get them . I am 54 last period was in June so not sure if I’m going to get another but my doctor just said I’m unusual, and I remember thinking at the time well that’s helpful ;-/.

    • Posted

      oh wow...yeah that is not the most helpful comment ever 😮 .... how does the swimsuit help?

    • Posted

      wow, turns out i have a severe allergy, the reason i was so hot, my GP thought it was a heat rash, but got so bad was worried went to local a&e, litterally head to toe with what looks like german measels, so perhaps dont use the wet swimsuit for hotness!

    • Posted

      Not glad you had to go, just glad you did!! Can't believe your GP missed that!!!

    • Posted

      I don’t know, could have been a new shower gel i used on Weds when it started to appear. Rash looked awful last night, all the spots had joined up!!! anyhow im now on Chlorphenamine, now less angry looking, not ever had anything like this before!!

  • Posted

    You just described my anxiety attacks to a tee! My hot flashes, I break out in a cold sweat followed by full body flush and heat that lasts about 3 min. I wonder if they're causing you a bit of anxiety too. Try to ground yourself by focusing on an object you can see and breath deep thru your nose and your mouth. As the other ladies said everyone experiences them differently.

    • Posted

      I have wondered this as well...although I am not actually feeling anxious at all most of the time these days. It did all start at the time my mother in law passed away as well so I do wonder.

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