hot flushes

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I am 50 years old. Been wondering if I am perimenopausal for past 4-5. Now I have started having what feels like hot flushes. Sudden heat/hotness that comes over me, then leave after a few minutes. Is this hot flushes? Please, I am trying to manage tendency towards health anxiety, so no horror stories, and if you can please weigh your words when responding. As far as possible I want to see and experinece menopause with a pinch of slat-if possible. My mum did.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello, good to talk with you.  I'm the same age but I started my menopause in my late forties.  It does sound like the start for you, I certainly don't have any horror stories about mine, I haven't needed to see my doctor and managed to go through it without HRT.  It hasn't always been easy and I haven't sailed through but once you realise the way you're feeling is the menopause it becomes easier as you know it won't go on forever.  I take a multivitamin for menopause symptoms and evening primrose oil which I feel help me,  Its worth trying herbal remedies and if they don't help then may be then consider seeing your doctor. Take care X
  • Posted

    Hi godblessed, those sound exactly like hot flushes. And they sound completely manageable. The only thing I did to control hot flushes was to control the amount of carbs I ate, because the hot flushes seemed to come three or four hours after eating carbs. When I ate fewer carbs, and more brown stuff, brown wheat, rice, etc, I stopped having them. 
  • Posted

    I have been experiencing the same, it isnt like full on hot flushes but i come over hot and it lasts for a few seconds and goes, last time i felt sick when it happened and mybperiod came just after, i am 51 and i presumed it was a hot flash rather than full on flush!
  • Posted

    yes, that's what started for me back in feb.  it scared me, but as soon as i figured out what it was it's been much easier to deal with.  i take organic apple cider vinegar, evening primrose, vitamin e, b complex, calcium and magnesium.  i think the ACV really helps at night with night sweats and also helps with upset stomach. 

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