Hot flushes/night sweats

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Does anyone else get a hot flush or sweat when drinking a hot drink, or when their husband/partied cuddles up to them in bed? I just feel like my back and face are burning. Is this menopausal, part of fibro or CFS? Xcry

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    I used to get a hot flush after drinking my before bedtime galaxy chocolate drink, but i am trying to lose weight so don,t drink that anymore ..

    I squeeze the juice of ½ a lemon into a mug add my canderels and fill with boiling water and drink when warm it`s very nice and makes me feel like a good girl.

    I am 56 and what i have found is each passing year has brought   a set of new health issues such as painful stiff knees , and those pains pass and new pains appear.

    At the moment my neck feels a bit stiff and i have bleeding when i go to the toilet not very much but noticeable , i don,t use gp`s  surgery any more and anyway i don,t want to know if i have something nasty i`d rather keep it to myself and get on with life..

    • Posted need to get to the doctor despite your misgivings! You are the same age as me so far too young to be so fatalistic!! It might be something or it might be nothing....please go to the doctor. x
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      Hi Lulu the aches and pain are horrible. I have degenerative disc disease in my spine and widespread osteo so know how you feel. Are you bleeding from your back passage because of constipation, or do you actually have blood in your stools?
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      Omg dont say that im 53 and feeling like that,does that mean i will still have to feel like this till im 56 no no no put me down now lol i been going through hell since i was 45cryfrownno bleeding though but you must get checked out, i no how you feel about GPs im getting that way dont want to see another DR in my life.
    • Posted

      yeah lulu, from one Doctor-phobe to another, I think if I was losing blood from there I'd even go to the Doc.  And that's something coming from the Constipation Queen!


    • Posted

      Hi Lulu, yes do try and make an appointment it could just be piles, but always check anything like that out especially if it happens regular, hopefully it will just need a routine check, I've had my piles removed, and do sometimes bleed, but if it's regularly happening please do. Best of luck! X
    • Posted

      No blood coming from there it`s coming from the virgin mary area it`s very slight but seems to be every day and i seem to feel tired when it happens funny enough..Not going to Doctors don,t like being poked and prodded also don,t want to know if it`s something bad prefer to enjoy quality of life than being fed sh^t loads of medication.
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      Oi shaznay I am definitely the constipation queen - just gone 14 days without going. Had to take laxatives in the end and I now have really nasty windy pops lol xx
    • Posted

      I bet you needed a crowbar to shift that lot:-) !!

      I concede: you ARE the Queen!!!

      How id you cope for so long?? Are your family/colleagues still talking to you? Did you murder anyone during that time?!! If not, how not?!!!!

      I definitely think its a 'woman-thing' - most blokes seem to go like racing greyhounds/pigeons!!!!

      I salute your levels of tolerance Gizmo!


    • Posted

      Your bleeding sounds like the 'spotting' a lot of us get between full Periods - are you still getting Periods then?

      But probably best to see the Doc if you're still concerned.


    • Posted

      Not concerned as such just curious, i went 11  months without a period and all of a sudden this starts .

      But 5 years ago it was really awfull i used to have a flood for about 4 days  i could not go out, then it became light for 3 days until the next month, so glad i have this spotting  instead.

      But i get that horrible fuzzy head and warm feeling , i have to sit in front of a fan till it goes.

      Really glad this site exists it enables me to share my own symptoms with ladies like you and so happy for the responses, because i don,t have anyone to talk to in the real world or anyone that`s bothered to listen like my partner who has the brain power of a broad bean and the cat just looks at me she has the brain power of a pea.rolleyes

  • Posted

    Cuddles in're kidding girl! My husband is like a hairy mammoth (which I adore BTW), but he's hot as a furnace, and so am I - not sweaty just hot.

    The merest touch of flesh-on-flesh in our boiling hot bed sends me into one!

    He's always been a cuddler. I've never been. But 32yrs of marriage, I must have done something right!


  • Posted

    I use to get hot when my boyfriend cuddled up to me I had to tell him don't hold me right now or I push him away and at times hot drinks do make me feel warm 

    There are times I'm hot to where I have to have the fan on at night

  • Posted

    Hi Gizmo, yes I have noticed hot flushes after hot drinks also, but they often come over all of a sudden, I'm 56, and have been suffering just over a year, my knees now ache quite badly at night and sometimes in the day, taking supplements and trying to exercise and eat as healthy as possible! I I don't have a partner so not used to someone else making me hot too! Lol Try supplements to help evening primrose is good, it's all trial and error and so many suffer xx
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    Yes to both.

    I'm flinging the duvet off and he's shivering.

    Oh what fun. not lol

    • Posted

      Maybe Cathy has the answer - get rid of the husband lol! Seriously though I wonder how many more years we have to go through this. I started having night sweats at 29 years old and then these nasty flushes at 49 - I'm 52 now and no hubby in bed yet but instead my cat has come to cuddle up with me instead!! 

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