Hot flushes/night sweats
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Does anyone else get a hot flush or sweat when drinking a hot drink, or when their husband/partied cuddles up to them in bed? I just feel like my back and face are burning. Is this menopausal, part of fibro or CFS? X
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lulu99310 Gizmo1963
I squeeze the juice of ½ a lemon into a mug add my canderels and fill with boiling water and drink when warm it`s very nice and makes me feel like a good girl.
I am 56 and what i have found is each passing year has brought a set of new health issues such as painful stiff knees , and those pains pass and new pains appear.
At the moment my neck feels a bit stiff and i have bleeding when i go to the toilet not very much but noticeable , i don,t use gp`s surgery any more and anyway i don,t want to know if i have something nasty i`d rather keep it to myself and get on with life..
fofoma lulu99310
Gizmo1963 lulu99310
trudy77450 lulu99310
shaznay96184 fofoma
cathy88329 lulu99310
lulu99310 shaznay96184
Gizmo1963 shaznay96184
shaznay96184 Gizmo1963
I concede: you ARE the Queen!!!
How id you cope for so long?? Are your family/colleagues still talking to you? Did you murder anyone during that time?!! If not, how not?!!!!
I definitely think its a 'woman-thing' - most blokes seem to go like racing greyhounds/pigeons!!!!
I salute your levels of tolerance Gizmo!
shaznay96184 lulu99310
But probably best to see the Doc if you're still concerned.
lulu99310 shaznay96184
But 5 years ago it was really awfull i used to have a flood for about 4 days i could not go out, then it became light for 3 days until the next month, so glad i have this spotting instead.
But i get that horrible fuzzy head and warm feeling , i have to sit in front of a fan till it goes.
Really glad this site exists it enables me to share my own symptoms with ladies like you and so happy for the responses, because i don,t have anyone to talk to in the real world or anyone that`s bothered to listen like my partner who has the brain power of a broad bean and the cat just looks at me she has the brain power of a pea.
shaznay96184 Gizmo1963
The merest touch of flesh-on-flesh in our boiling hot bed sends me into one!
He's always been a cuddler. I've never been. But 32yrs of marriage, I must have done something right!
susan21149 Gizmo1963
There are times I'm hot to where I have to have the fan on at night
cathy88329 Gizmo1963
wen06862 Gizmo1963
I'm flinging the duvet off and he's shivering.
Oh what fun. not lol
Gizmo1963 wen06862