How are you handling peri symptoms?
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I've had all the classic peri symptoms, some are more painful than others for past few months. In the beginning I was going crazy thinking what's wrong and countless doctors visits to find answers. But it all boils down to hormones doing its dance causing havoc in my life. I tried low dose birth control, but didn't help much. I stopped everything, the pills, doctors visits, googling symptoms. I am trying to make peace with it , it's here for who knows how long but hoping at some point it will pass. Just taking multivitamins, exercise, eat right and trying to live as normal as possible despite all the anxiety, mood swings, headaches. What are you doing that seem to help?
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juanita93228 ampat1
I'm past peri and I'm eight years post menopausal(last period November 2010, no symptoms with peri other than heavy periods). I had no symptoms except hot flashes and they weren't that bad. But in 2014 when my estrogen level finally dropped significantly, I too thought I was going crazy. What you said is very profound "make peace with it". I'm not on HRT. I do take a mild anti depressant and I have Valium for the really tough days. But I take a multivitamin, D3, Vitamin C, Magnesium, fish oil and garlic oil. I try to eat right(sometimes that doesn't happen). I was going to the gym three days a week, but got derailed and haven't been in a month. I'm doing so so. I suffer from SAD(Seasonal Affective Disorder) and it's been rainy and cloudy here for eight days straight.
I think what you're doing is great. :
Guest ampat1
Hi dramisha, same here. Just trying to do the best with what I have been dealt. I take vitamins, eat pretty well, read a lot, keep up with the house responsibilities and overall just do the best I can for my kids and husband. Distance myself from family drama. Despite feeling lousy, I am in a better place mentally than I was last in I know I am not going to die! I gave Lexapro a try for 3 months, but am off that now. Waiting on my period to start BCP. Recently started amitripyline to try and get my migraines and vertigo under control. Keeping away from doctors besides follow ups. My fatigue is manageable now, however, I am really struggling with vertigo...have an appointment the end of Nov with a vertigo specialist. I hate it, I feel like I’m going along ok some days, then it hits me. It is standing in my way of getting back to the job I love...and I hate that! Not going to give up though! Definitely do not google symptoms anymore. Although, the nasal spray I used got recalled for a microbial parasite or something...freaked me out, then I calmed down. Of course this forum too, you ladies really are a sanity saver! 🤗
debra16694 ampat1
Hi Dramisha - It sounds like you have a great outlook on this & I think that will serve you well - I try to eat well, but sometimes I fall off the wagon & as hard as it is, I need to start exercising. I am fairly religious about taking basically all the supplements that were mentioned, but I also take a probiotic which seems to calm the anxiety gut brain. I just finished up my physical/labs & aside from my b/p still being elevated & my inflammation higher everything checked out. I asked the GP why I feel so crappy then & her reply was AGE! Ok, that made me go home & get into the fetal position, because @ 61, I don’t think that is sooo old. Off to the naturopath - when are these western MD’s going to get it? I know what’s causing my symptoms...imbalance of hormones which interferes with all organ balances - so over this! Good Luck all!
karen60759 ampat1
Claire4474 ampat1