How do we go on
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things seem to be getting worse since i started cycle i ended yesterday heart palps off and on i just want to cry all the time no peace from anything off balance dizzy worse i just want me back and normal body functions. 8 years in and nothing is easing up im so sick and tired of this i cant live like this i try to ignore and go on with life but uts hard whwn its constantly something bugging you how is this living
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Guest pamela2016
I'm nearing three years for full blown symptoms (lesser symptoms started years before that), thought I was starting to do better, but now feel like I'm going backwards. Woke up at 3 AM feeling so flu like, like how I felt two years ago, burning feet and legs, ears ringing. It just feels like it's never going to go away.
Had more bloods done and don't have anything but low vit D. No diabetes which I was starting to worry about because of the symptoms.
Yesterday I started a 30 day yoga challenge and did 30 minutes of beginning yoga, well today my back is twinging and screaming. I can't even do gentle stretching, because that's all it was. And I'm so sick of feeling sick all the time. My husband was sick with a bad cold and told me his fever must've broke yesterday because he sweated and all of a sudden felt better. Wish this would just lift off of me like that!I can count on two hands the days I've felt decent in almost three years. Maybe one hand!
I'm sorry for what you are going through, but please know, I feel the same.
lina19 Guest
please continue with your yoga stretches. it takes a while...around a month of daily stretches to see progress. but dont quit. it really helps. bridge pose, cobra pose, cat n cow poses, pawanamukthasana, etc. take it slow n one day at a time. also try short walks fr half hour or so. eat healthy. n try to meditate even if it is 5 mins a day. just dont expect fast results...but have faith. over time u will feel better.
Sassyr12a pamela2016
Hi Pamela
I am so sorry that you're feeling so awful. I know, sometimes it feels hopeless especially when you are feeling that way most of the time. I wondered if you are taking hrt or anything, or just managing with supplements. It sounds like you could benefit from seeing your doctor or gynae. There are treatments you can take or change to help you feel a little better. I hit the wall last year, and felt the exact same way, and I couldn't function without bhrt or hrt. Get some advice love. Hang on in there, there is hope for everyone you just have to find the right thing for you xxx
pamela2016 Sassyr12a
I've begged for help til I gave up its like they think it's all in my head I cry everyday and pray everyday all day I'm just so tired of all this
Sassyr12a pamela2016
Pamela, they aren't the right people for you. I did the same, and didn't get anywhere with doctors for over 20 years. Eventually I found a private hormone GP and paid the consultation fee. At last I found someone who took one look at me and gave me what was needed and it was such a relief that I wasn't crazy, depressed, dying, it was my hormones. Are you in the UK? Xx
kelly55079 Sassyr12a
I agree find someone for you.. Dr's only know so much. Take care of you. I have seen an acupuncturist, a nutritionist and come here to find out what others are doing. I'm trying to eat more whole foods, drink a lot of water and rest when I need it. It's not perfect but I just take it as it comes.
thanks ladies ill keep trying yo find a dr to help me its so hard to get through all this
julee15466 pamela2016
Ugh, I'm right there with you , girl. I was dong SO WELL, feeling confident, happy, fearless. Yesterday, the panic set in. Dizziness, nausea. Today I am spotting. It's day 57 of my cycle. I'm thinking that's the cause of all this - the hormones coming from actually getting a period this month. That, coupled with the crazy weather where I am and chronic sinus problems - I'm just getting hit all at once. But yes, I understand that need to just feel normal. My doc prescribed progesterone for me and I am leery about taking it. I'm supposed to go see an endocrinologist, so I'm trying to hold out for that. The progesterone pills are 100 mg so it scares me a bit. But I would love to not be getting constantly hit with this "craziness."
Hang in there!
Guest julee15466
Julee, why don't you try natural progesterone cream instead? Not as systemic as progesterone pills.
ended cycle yesterday and palps all day off and on i hate these so bad last a second but makes me feel like its trying to take my breath they are so scary i had my heart checked two years ago all was fine
Gypsy014 pamela2016
Hi Pamela, I don't know where I'd be cycle wise (ovulating, missing periods , heavy periods ECT...) Because I had a hysterectomy years ago with ovaries left in me.. But I do however get all these crazy symptoms as well.. And the palpatations I have had for many months now, but these last 3 months are really really bad, all day long and they take my breath away too, so awful and scary.. So far they are showing me a pattern they start 2x a month for me and last about a week each time they start.. Also they get worse after eating something then I'm gassy and belching. I went to the doctor to ask for a MRI for migraines and a ekg for palpatations and of course all was good with the ekg not one palpatation or flutter or skipped beat during visit, I'm like that figures.. So she has me scheduled for the 24 hour monitor but its not the 25th of the month yet, I told her thats when they start for me, I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm nuts lol but hay thats when they come on for me. And shes a pretty nutty doctor herself, reason why I picked her is because she's 54 and a woman, she was talking under her breath and all kinds of nutty stuff, but at least she runs all tests for the most part and doesn't chalk everything up to anxiety.. Well I've written a book again oops but just wanted to say I get those nasty heart palps ,flutters, skipped beats too, you're not alone..
pamela2016 Gypsy014
thanks for replying they are scary thats for sure im sorry your dealing with them as well i had a full work up with my heart Dr two years ago when i wouldn't take everything was fine from my regular Dr and demanded a referral to a heart dr. at that time my heart would race and make my anxiety so much worse heart still raced but was able to cope better knowing my heart was fine. im about to make a appointment and go back just to make sure all is still ok this is really making me panic ive had palps off and on here and there before but not in awhile im so tired of all these symptoms i just cant get use to any of them even though they come and go except the dizzy off balance that started three years ago and hasn't left and its mentally took a toll on me i pray we all get peace everyday i pray
sunaina1983 pamela2016
Hellooo dear
i know its very hard
ohhhhhh 8 years..
.soo many symtoms.. every day big stuggle for me too.
me too struggling alot..head pressures , migranes , off balance , Dizziness, fatigue .. ... blah blah blah..list goes on and on evrry day. .sooo many symtoms each day.
Its very hard to cope with all
but still we have to positive. ..Cannot do much Dr also donot help much in this... all symtomd will be go one day..Peri Big long dark tunnel to life..we all have to cross..some feel less symtons some people like us have soo many ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
Have a lit of water, green veg and fruits .
Donot stress urelf more.
its Harmones dance...will be over some day and u will be again like earlier .
Each day tell urself its harmonres..will be over soon....i will be ok soon.
ur not alone dear..we all r suffering and have support from each other.
Good Luck for ur journey
sunaina1983 pamela2016
Hellooo dear
i know its very hard
ohhhhhh 8 years..
.soo many symtoms.. every day big stuggle for me too.
me too struggling alot..head pressures , migranes , off balance , Dizziness, fatigue .. ... blah blah blah..list goes on and on evrry day. .sooo many symtoms each day.
Its very hard to cope with all
but still we have to positive. ..Cannot do much Dr also donot help much in this... all symtomd will be go one day..Peri Big long dark tunnel to life..we all have to cross..some feel less symtons some people like us have soo many ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
Have a lit of water, green veg and fruits .
Donot stress urelf more.
its Harmones dance...will be over some day and u will be again like earlier .
Each day tell urself its harmonres..will be over soon....i will be ok soon.
ur not alone dear..we all r suffering and have support from each other.
Good Luck for ur journey