How do you know when you’re close to becoming period free?
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It’s a never ending period! I’ve been on since 21st April, last week I had 5 days of VERY bad clotting, it’s calmed down now, but I’ve still got blood. For the ladies that are past having periods, when did they stop? Did you have a pattern just before? I’ve been told/read that the clotting happens just before!!
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Guest HayleyW75
HayleyW75 Guest
I’ll look into that, thank you 😊
HayleyW75 Guest
maddysmom2015 HayleyW75
I just read a celebrity news report where Brigitte Nielsen is pregnant at 54. Someone said in the comments section that if she still had her period at 54 she would rip her ovaries out herself. I feel the exact same way!
Betty97 HayleyW75
I’ve been going through the menopause for 12 years and still counting haha at the age of 50 I went from very regular periods to varying from two weeks to a few weeks, my final period was the worst, it was heavy, I was flooding and became afraid to go out in case I started leaking, during the night it was so bad that every time I moved I flooded, I had to sleep on a plastic sheet covered in old towels, after six weeks of it I went to see my GP who took one look at me and sent me down the corridor for a blood test and told me that the hospital might send for me to have a blood transfusion, I wax anaemic but only needs iron tablets, I was prescribed medication to stop the bleeding and sent off for a scan which was clear, basically my body was having a massive final clear out, no more periods after that. If you are feeling tired and a bit breathless go and visit your GP, in case the bleeding needs to be stopped, I found it such a relief to to have an end to it 👍
HayleyW75 Betty97
Betty97 HayleyW75
Indifferent HayleyW75
My periods go like clockwork for months...then get erratic, then revert back to clockwork. It's weird. I had a twelve day period last spring...went erratic for a couple of months, and then back to the clockwork 28 days. The funniest thing is that I never in my life had regular periods until I started having symptoms of Peri.
Chuckj HayleyW75
This experience was very similar to mine before my periods stopped. I had this lengthy bleed after months of periods arriving between 24 or 26 days. It just wouldn't stop, so after 2 weeks I visited my doctor who gave me something to stop the bleeding. I also became anaemic so had to take iron tablets to stabilize this. The bleeding stopped. Then the next month or two I had no bleeding, then a very light, pinkish bleed, and after that no more now for 2 years! I was 51 when I stopped my periods. As I use to suffer from PMT and acne, the menopause has been a relief as I am more emotionally stable and my skin has cleared up. The only downside for me is a bit of weight gain. But everyone's experience is different. All the best.
maddysmom2015 Chuckj
This is really helpful to know. I would have gone round the twist if I had a two week bleed. Now I know it's the body's last purge.
It's also great to know that emotional stability waits on the other side. My period was here this weekend and I was afraid for myself.
Thanks Chuckj!
Chuckj maddysmom2015