How Long before Better?
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It's one thing after another. I had an eye appt today because my eyes have been seeing blurry since this menopause stuff. Vision exam went ok, only need glasses. The medical part not ok. He said the optic nerve of my eyes are thinner than an average person. He said I can be just born that way because they are the same size. Because I did so well on glaucoma test, he doesn't suspect it. Now, I'm freaking out, I'm going to see an ophthalmologist.
I can't take this no more!! My period has left and now my back hurts like crazy. It's feel like pressure on it and burning sensation at the same time. On top of that my stomach feels like it's going to burst open from being so bloated and heavy.
I literally can't take this no more!!! I'm tired of complaining to my friends and family because I know they are tired of hearing me...As I write this I am crying because I feel like I am suffering.
Even my girlfriends that's going thru peri also don't understand because they are not experiencing all of these symptons.
I'm also experiencing lightheadness, and being off balance when I walk. Since the eye exam im freaking out about something going on in my head because of the lighrheadness, and off balance.
I have been keeping my anxiety under control but since hearing this the anxiety came on with the severe burning. I'm sorry to just vent but I feel like I'm at the end of my rope.
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Azzumi mary27278
Hi Mary, I think most women on this site have had at least one moment myself included when they questioned whether or not they could continue. Mine was due to mood problems that got so bad I was becoming completely unhinged. I felt like my life was hanging by a thread. I'm six months on from that now and decided at that point I had to try and take control. I knew a bit about bio identical hormones and figured I couldn't get any worse so I found a doctor who specializes in bios and made an appointment. Its taken some time and some patients but I now have my life back. There is help out there but you might need to search to find it. My doctor is a GP who has only worked with hormones for about 20 years so he has an incredible understanding of what we go through. He used blood work plus my worst symptoms to work out what hormones to give me. I'v had 3 adjustments to what I'm taking so far and now I feel good and normal. I still take one day at a time because we never know what's round the corner when it comes to hormones but I do think its important that we share both our good and bad experiences as this is how we learn..hope this helps.
mary27278 Azzumi
Azxumi ive gone to a Bio dr. , im just waiting for my prescription through the mail. It should be here by the end of the week. I have a synthetic progesterone prescription for birth control that he gave me also. I have not taken it yet because that is the farthest thing away from my mind. But I'm wondering if it may help with some of my symptons in the meantime ....whar do you think?
Azzumi mary27278
Hi Mary, its really hard to say what effect it will have. I'm back on bio identical progesterone only for a while but only because he's having trouble getting to estrogen down. I'm feeling good on progesterone only but my doctor says he eventually wants me back on a combination of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Not sure what i'v told you. I'v had a strange problem of super high estrogen and its a bit tricky for my doctor as I don't present as though I have high estrogen at all, I'm actually very lean and dropped body fat through Peri. If you dont care about birth control I guess you could wait for your bios. Its really hard cause you want to trust that your doctor is doing the right thing by you. Its combining the synthetic with bios that sounds odd..let me know what you decide.
mary27278 Azzumi
Hello Azzumi
I did received my bio prescriptions and started taking it for the first time last night. The progesterone help me to sleep but this morning I felt like I was sedated and more anxious and out of it
I didn't see any effect from the tetesterone.
Is this normal when first start taking it?
I guess it's too early to tell.
Azzumi mary27278
Forgot to'll b interesting to see how the testosterone affects you but I agree it will probably take longer to know.
mary27278 Azzumi
Hello Azzumi
Update on day 2 of bio:
I started itching after I took my bio last night. So I had to get out of bed and shower, it seem to calm it down. This morning I felt a bit better than yesterday
The heart palpitations wasn't as bad as before. ...the gastritis stomach a rid bit better...keep waiting and praying...?
Azzumi mary27278
Hi Mary, holy forgot about the itching till you mentioned it. First couple of days when I started bhrt then when I switched to progesterone only recently I itched like crazy the first day then I was fine. Great that you're seeing small improvements, that's how its been for me. I definitely feel heaps better now and had a big test on the weekend with some very emotional stuff between me and my partner. I dealt with things very calmly and logically so I know how much better I am. You seem like me to take each day and not get too far ahead of yourself. That's super important. I think its the way only way to actually cope. As time go on finger crossed like me the bad days will get further apart. Keep me posted as having contact with someone who gets how it really is, is very comforting for me..😃
mary27278 Azzumi
Hello Azzumi
Update day 3
So I wake up this morning and horrible anxiety like crazy. I feel ad though I am literally losing it. Like something is fighting inside my mind. I call my BHRT dr. Talked to nurse and gave her all my symptons. She said she didn't think it was the progesterone because it's a calmer. She called back once talked to doctor..and dr said to discontinue tetesterone cream for a few days and see what happens. After I got off phone, I googled side effects from BHRT and wham! Itching. Anxiety. Panic attacks .etc. So now I wait..
Azzumi mary27278
Morning Mary, problem with googling is everything has side effects. Even breathing if you don't do it right..sorry, probably shouldn't say things like that but I did the google thing for ages till I realized that especially with bhrt everything I read made me more confused. My doctor gave me too much estrogen to start with and I felt horrid but he's got things pretty well balanced now but not without some work. Each hormone we take effects the other hormones guess thats why the whole thing is so tricky. Could be the testosterone for you. I actually feel better with higher testosterone but mine is high naturally so I guess thats why. Keep going and do what they say. Least your giving it a fair go. Waking up with anxiety or when I'd wake up crying is the hardest thing to deal with and don't know about you but I wondered if I could go on. Thing is it does settle down and we learn to push through it. If its the testosterone you should know quite quickly. I'll wait to hear how you go..
Indifferent mary27278
Please don't worry! I too have felt like i am at the end of my rope. The rope stretches, I promise. It will accomodate these stressful times! Some times are horrible I know, but they are short lived. All these symptoms change, and with change come relief for a little while
You can do really can!
mary27278 Indifferent
Thank you so much for your kind words. You are so right about the symptons changing, the one irritating me now is the stomach being so bloated and causes pressure to my back which hurts. It's very difficult to sleep. Last time, I had this problem my GI dr. Discovered my colon being twisted, I hope that's not the case again. Again, thanks for the push!
brendababy mary27278
Hi Mary I think all of your symptoms are due to hormone imbalance, I've had about every symptom you can think of but the dizzy off balance has stayed with me for over two years every day all day
I also suffer from terrible migraines. Try and not to despair because you are stronger than you think, you'll muddle through like all the other woman. Just stop and think for a moment worrying and letting yourself get overwhelmed will just make your symptoms worse, try not to focus on them that way you have some control
It is a rubbish time but it's temporary, no matter what symptoms you are expericing just try and carry on with your day they're only sensations nothing bad will happen doing this will lift your mood and you'll feel so much better
Let us know if you can try this and see how your mood changes
Big hug for you xx
mary27278 brendababy
Hi Brendababy
Thank you so much for those encouraging words. This forum is what keeps me going. Today is a holiday and I will not allow peri to control me. I will do my best to enjoy with my family today.😊
Question: have you ever wonder why some women sail through with no problems but others have severe symptons?
brendababy mary27278
Hope you had a lovely day with your family Mary. In answering your question, I've also always wondered why some woman suffer from severe symptoms, especially the weird sensations which are hard to explain
I have yet to find a woman in my life away from this forum who has or is suffering from the same symptoms as me or as severely
I have two sisters, one is 6 years older, one a year younger than me, all of us in our 50's going through the change and all feeling different body sensations. It is weird
The only explanation I can give is that I was suffering from stress/anxiety prior to going into peri, this weakens the adrenals and I know they try to compensate for the lack of estrogen and other sex hormones and stresses our body's out more
I've also suffered from ME symptoms on and off in the past and I'm led to believe menopause can worsen any health weaknesses we have
I'm just trying to get up everyday, shower (which is a nightmare when you feel your going to fall over) do normal things, I've had to resign from my job but I go and help my husband in his cafe fior a couple of hours everyday and I go no matter how bad I feel because I always feel so much better being among others and not focussing on symptoms
I hope some of this is helpful Mary and I hope you can stay positive and try and enjoy everyday
Lots of love...x
mary27278 brendababy
Thank you Grandbaby, I didn't do anything with family, stayed on couch all day. Lately it seem the couch is my favorite place, not by choice of course.
I agree with you. I believe it may has to do with how much stress you are under before peri hits you. I too have led a stressful life, I wished I should have been taking better care of me instead of everyone around me. I wished I can go back and redo some things. But I am looking forward to changing things...i can't go backward but I can move forward with change. I realize now nothing is more important that having good health.
What exactly is ME?
brendababy mary27278
It's a dysfunctional HPA axis. I.e hypothalamus, piturity and adrenal glands are overstimulated by some adverse condition like chronic stress, over exercising, burnout etc. I was diagnosed in 2001, I was very ill for two years, went for reverse therapy and had been in remission for years
I worked in a very demanding job in a law centre and was able to sustain extreme pressure for years. However, looking after my parents then dealing with the death of my mum at the on set off Meno broke me and I think I've relapsed as well as suffering from peri symptoms
I did not have a period since Nov 16 then a light bleed in May and then again in June which has brought back severe migraine 😡
I just hope and pray that I don't let symptoms overwhelm me and get back to enjoying life to the full again
Hope your having a good day x
mary27278 brendababy
I will keep you in my prayers...Hugsx
brendababy mary27278