How long can another stage of the Menopause last ?
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I am post menopausal with 5 years behind me. This last 4 months i have felt like
i am going to have a heart attack with pain under by bust and in my shoulder blades.The pain has got a little
better but i feel like my stomach is really heavy and pushing down all the time.
I feel like there is something stuck right in the centre at the top of my abdomen
and feel sick,burping ,belching and generally crap and it never goes away.I have had this for 3 months
now and with covid 19 it has been terrible with having phone Dc appointments.
I seen the doctor once she checked me all out and did bloods and a stool sample.My bloods came
back ok apart from one ,my liver function.I had to wait a month then have them redone ,all ok now ,but
still feeling crap. Has anyone else had anything like this ,if so any tips of what to do .Tried all over the counter antacid tablets.
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ang28869 sandra11245
Hi Sandra, I too have had the same symptoms, mine being on the left side. I did have an endoscopy which found I have GERD, gastritis and inflammation of the esophagus. I had blood work and stool specimens also, which came back negative. I then had a sonogram of my liver, gall bladder and pancreas which they said I have a fatty liver. The dr. upped my stomach medication, which seems to have helped. I was having all sorts of stomach and bowel issues along with the side pain. I was also having high anxiety, which I have never had before this wonderful thing called menopause. so i think that had alot to do with my stomach...also I have been trying to eat better and I think I cant handle alot of roughage. hope this eases your mind a little.
sandra11245 ang28869
thanks for that.Im waiting for a echo on my liver but with covid 19 nothing happening .I think it would
come back ok ,maybe fatty. Ive had all sorts of menopause syptoms but never anything like this with my stomach or
digestion so thats why a little worried .
Kadija1966 sandra11245
Perimenopause symptoms. Ive been having them for 3wks now, bloated, nausea, gassy. Loss of appetite and lost weight. Anxiety, Pain all around my stomach, more on right sides going down to my right lower abdomen. Left ribs,breast and shoulder pains. Been to all sorts of tests. Nothing shown. Ive stopped worrying about it and put it down to menopause. Ive also stopped drinking coffee, sugar for past week. The headaches and anxiety seems to have gone. I feel much better.
sandra11245 ang28869
Thanks for replying ,what stomach medication do you take ( message me please )
Im not taking anything for this.I do take HRT which has helped up to now ,but
i must have moved to another stage now so need to change ,but with covid it
is impossible to see a Dc .
sherri87081 sandra11245
I am having the same issues right now with my stomach. I get so bloated and have terrible heartburn. Feels like I am going to have a heart attack. I also feel like my stomach is heavy and pulling down. It seems like the amount of food I eat and certain kinds make it worse. The worst part for me is getting bloated and looking like I am getting ready to give birth. If this is one of the symptoms of peri or menopause, I sure hope it goes away soon. It makes me think I have some kind of terrible disease or something. I hope we both start feeling better.
leisa56147 sandra11245
Hi Sandra11245 & All Ladies Experiencing Nausea!
I wonder why there are no forums for women POST menopause. It's almost like when you hit this stage everything is suppose to be unicorn farts and rainbows again, and that is so far from the truth! If anybody is POST or close, I am curious to know if the following is normal for us POST ladies.
*nausea about every 2-3 months that lasts for about a week.
*Right rhomboid pain (I am right handed and on the computer a LOT) that comes and goes. It kind of burns
*worried about dying ALL the time
*no energy most days but have noticed this is getting less frequent
*Peeing ALL the time it seems
*Last period was 2 1/2 years ago
*Had a vaginal ultrasound about 3 years ago when I was transitioning through and was at the tail end of a 3 week period and said my endometrial lining was I think 14mm. Everything else looked normal and I was told by one doctor to have a biopsy and the other one said was not needed. Never had it done and I am guessing it it was something bad, I would be dead by now or very sick
I have had my labs religiously done every year accept for this year due to COVID. Everything accept slightly elevated cholesterol is all they could find.
Just making sure I am not losing my mind with this nausea stuff as it's awful. Most of the time worse in the morning but seems to have a mind of it's own.
eleonora0422 leisa56147
i hear u. at the moment great nausea with sweats and feeling weak and pale. at 61 10 years later still suffering. on bhrt for 8 yrs. These symptoms come with no notice. horrjble
eleonora0422 sandra11245
i am 61 and 10 yrs since menopause started and it is not any easier.amongst stomache issues i have fainting feelings with sweats snd cold chest and feeling weak. its horrible
i am on bhrt but still every once in while i have all thwse symptoms like now. for stomache try digestive enzymes. hope it helps
sandra11245 eleonora0422
its just never ending isnt it. What do you mean by digestive enzymes ( sorry if being dumb ) worth
a try .
thanks for replying
eleonora0422 sandra11245
if u go to the health food store and ask for digestive enzymes they should be able to help you. very natural enzymes that will help with stomache problems. my 4th day again of waking up.very weak pale and lots of nausea. sick of this. i thoiught this symptom was put to bed but now and again reappears. its horrible. i have a general feeling of malaise all the time. i have been to some gynos who say they have never heard of all these symptoms in menopause. so ridiculous when so many women are putting their symptoms in this forum. obviously we are not alone. whe do u live. i am in melbourne australia
eleonora0422 sandra11245
if u go to the health food store and ask for digestive enzymes they should be able to help you. very natural enzymes that will help with stomache problems. my 4th day again of waking up.very weak pale and lots of nausea. sick of this. i thoiught this symptom was put to bed but now and again reappears. its horrible. i have a general feeling of malaise all the time. i have been to some gynos who say they have never heard of all these symptoms in menopause. so ridiculous when so many women are putting their symptoms in this forum. obviously we are not alone. whe do u live. i am in melbourne australia
Thanks for this,im in England X