How long is your period?
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As I have mentioned before, I get my period every 21 days. I have had heavy periods with large clots for the past 2+ years. Since adulthood, I have been lucky enough to only have three days of bleeding. Well, things have changed. For my last three periods, I have had 4-5 days of bleeding. It's too much! I have been researching ablation, but am too chicken. For those of you who are still cycling, how many days of bleeding do you have and how heavy?
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renee61138 staci88515
Hey Stacy. Up until last year my periods were 3-4 days. Now it could last up to 7 days which for me is long. But I have heard some women can bleed 10 plus days. It really sucks. Hopefully they get shorter and further apart soon.
staci88515 renee61138
I really hope this isn't my new norm. I'm on day 5 and have had enough. I want my period to stop, but I am afraid my symptoms will get worse. I wonder which is the lesser of two evils.
Rainbow976 staci88515
Like you Staci, mine are every 21 days for the last few years. They are very light though, only bleeding lightly 2 days but then spotting another 2-3 days.
My problem is I am so sensitive to the rise and fall of the hormones now and with a short cycle I only feel decent a few days a month.
I wish I could figure out what hormone/s out of balance cause the short cycle. I suspect low estrogen based on my other main symptoms of hair shedding, low libido and joint stiffness. I am only 42 though, I can't imagine going through this several more years if menopause doesn't happen until 50 or older.
staci88515 Rainbow976
I really need to get to the light period stage. I am horrified by the amount of blood I lose. It is scary! I am sensitive to hormone fluctuations too. I have been getting menstrual migraines for almost a decade. I'm just frustrated and want to get back to my normal life.
Rainbow976 staci88515
I hear ya. It affects every aspect of life and to hear some women are still having issues post menopause is discouraging. I can't help but wonder if this is the new me - balding, asexual, bloated, bitchy with constant aches and pains 😃
I jokingly told my husband that I understand why there are so many divorces at this time of life. I don't like or recognize myself 90% of the time and would leave if I could lol.
staci88515 Rainbow976
On one hand, I want it to be over, on the other hand, I am afraid menopause will be worse. It is so disheartening.
I am single, so I assume I will remain a spinster!
Rainbow976 staci88515
I agree. My only hope is that maybe the up and down hormones will level out with menopause but who knows.
kelly55079 staci88515
Mine have been every 28 days so many symptoms around this time that I hate it!! But 2 days lite then maybe 2-3 heavy with clots then another 2 days lite... But this last time it started heavy very quickly. Have you told your Dr about this? I just had my yearly pap with the PA--- I didn't care as I usually get in quicker with them. BUT she seemed concerned (she's young). She said everyone's 'normal' is different after I told her I could soaked a tampon and a pad sometimes in half an hour.. So she scheduled an ultrasound just to make sure everything is ok and then Dr and I could decide if this is ok with my body.. This is my normal but perhaps someone else would think that it's odd.. My iron has always been good (I eat iron rich foods and take iron pill) BUT she also wants me to do another lab to test my ferriten levels as they were 'low' this time or something like this...
staci88515 kelly55079
I have not mentioned it to my obgyn. I was there a few months ago and she was more concerned with my migraine aura than anything else. I was told my symptoms didn't sound perimenopausal, they sounded "adrenal." She confirmed her hypothesis, by stating my blood work did not reflect peri. So, she was not helpful. She did try to push ablation on me. It is funny you mention ferritin. I had my first migraine aura while on the third day of an extremely heavy period. I literally just read today that end of period migraines are caused by low ferritin levels and not estrogen.