How long will I have to go through menopause?

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I was diagnosed perimenapause at age of 45. I am now 48. I haven't had a period since September 2015 but I'm still having other symptoms that are really starting to get me down. Can't loose weight,headaches all the time, no interest in doing anything, hot flashes constantly that make me feel sick, and keep me awake most of the night. I joined this site to ask advice on how long I can expect to go through this and finally get back to enjoying life 😃

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26 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Anita sadly we are all different so no one knows how long these symptoms last. You may be lucky and not have a long time others can go years. It's all about managing the symptom that gets you down the most at the time. Mine is hot flushes and night sweats which drive me mad. It seems to all trial and error as to what works for each individual. Sorry I can't answer you with a period of time I'd love to as I too wish it would stop.
    • Posted

      Those are my most annoying symptoms too night sweats, and early morning hot flashes, and sometimes restless nights mostly due to my nightsweats. I get maybe 3-4 hours of sleep a night if I'm lucky.

      Haven'the had a period for almost 7 mos. 5 more to go then hopefully will be in full menopause, which hoping I'll have less night sweats by then.

      However, a year ago I was a total mess with early stages of Peri. I guess. Had terrible IBS, indigestion , lost about 20 lbs., had bad anxiety, depression, horrible mood swings, and could barely enjoy eating or not like I used too.

      I'm in a much better place this year- knock on wood. Gained all my weight back and then some. Just can't seem to get the fat or bulk back into my arms, no matter how much I work much muscles at the gym. My arms and shoulders seemed to have shrunk. Sometimes at night, my arms get all tingly too like I have no circulation in them. It's a weird feeling.

      I just keep taking my vitamins B12 and D, and hope as time progresses into hopefully entering meno. things will get better.

    • Posted

      Hi liz, thanks for your reply. Like you my worst symptoms are hot flushes and night sweats. As soon as I put my head on pillow it starts. I barely sleep which then affects everything else I do. Is there anything that stops the flushes. 😣
    • Posted

      Hi ladies,

      I've started using Clary Sage Essential oil and the hot flashes and night sweats stopped. Now if I could just get this mucous situation under control that would be great

    • Posted

      Hi dtplus how do you use clary sage and how much do you apply each night?
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      Hi Liz,

      I just put a drop on each wrist, then wipe them on my lower abdomen, that's it.

    • Posted

      Woo I think u will have to invest in some myself and hope I can stop the night sweats. Thanks for the info. 😃
  • Posted were you diagnosed? I have been having same problems for a few years but have gotten way worse the last few months...i am 48 now. All my blood tests were fine apart from elevated cholesterol. I started meds for this but (and this may have been a coincidence ) but within a fortnight had hot flushes and anxiety. I stopped it but havent been right since. (About 4 months now) I feel so bad this week I am going back to doctors again tomorrow sad
    • Posted

      Sounds like peri. symptoms for sure. Hopefully, your Dr. will give you something, or at least some helpful advice. Most are pretty clueless and not very emphatic whend it comes to peri symtoms. Just know if he/she is not. Don't get discouraged. We are here to listen and help you through it. We're all in the same boat - peri/menopause sucks.
    • Posted

      Thanks didi...this page is the only thing helping at the moment smile
    • Posted

      Hi janine, I was having problems with being tired constantly and was usually very active. The doc did all blood tests imaginable and nothing came up. I asked him if he had tested for menopause after reading that I was experiencing some of the symptoms and he said he hadn't so did another test. The result came back that I was in early stages of perimenapause. Since then I have had more blood tests and they found I was low in vit D and vit B12 which I have since been treated. Although I hate going through all these problems, it was such a relief to learn it wasn't more serious. I just need to learn how to manage everything now. I don't want HRT and I've never really talked to doc about my options. Was hoping this site will help me.
    • Posted

      Thanks Anita...i am going back to get more bloods done...i have noticed such a major change this last week surely something will show up! We have to get through this smile
  • Posted

    I suspect that I have been in peri around 7 years now. I seem to have every symptom in the book except a couple. 

    I also suffer from Bipolar, so I thought things had just got worse on that side. I realize that most of it I can attribute to peri. (It's hard to say which is driving which). 

    What I will say, though, is that for me, therefore, because of the two issues happening at once. I have to treat them symptomatically. The hardest part is the anxiety since this seems to determine how I react to all the other parts of what I am experiencing. 

    I wish there was a timeline. That way I could plan or say 'well I've done my 6 years it is nearly over' for example. 

    I try and live in today. Meaning some days are okay some are really tough and deal with each accordingly and symptomatically. I hope today for example you are having an Okay day xx

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply. Wow 7 years.... Looks like I've got a while to do yet. Have you had a test done for perimenapause.

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