how many bad days in a row can i take?
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i feel like i cant get a break. i feel like im slowly losing my mind and i have become a prisioner in my home. i cant work, i dont have many friends, how can i right now. i feel like everyone is living their lives and i am trapped in this little private hell. i feel like i need to get out and be a part of something, that it wouls help. but it scares me. the thought of having the " bad trip on drugs panic attack " while doing something. idk how long i can do this. thanks for the vent. i need to stop complaining to my husband and kids. they dont need to be brought into my misery
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debbie12340 kim74983
Hi Kim,
I'm afraid I don't have the answers 😢 But I can tell you I feel pretty much the same and I imagine so do many others. You are not going mad it's just the Hormones. Try to be kind to yourself and keep reminding yourself that it can't last forever. I know it's not easy but however horrible it is a natural stage that we have to go though ! Big hug xx
kim74983 debbie12340
Sochima822 kim74983
Hi Kim, I'm going to suggest you cutting out certain foods like caffeine, coffee, tea, sugar and chocolate can help you move closer to lowering your hormones from fluctuating. Avoid soy of any type since it is a hormone disruptor as are the ones I mention above.
Taking vitamin d3 will help you get out of that doomed mood. Magnesium helps with panic attacks, though there are other herbs combinations that are better than magnesium, like St. John's wort, or Menoquil, but only take these if you are not on any bp medication or hrt. Hope you find something to help you get some relief.
kim74983 Sochima822
2chr2015 kim74983
Oh Kim! I wish I could give you a hug right now. But since I can't, ((hug))..
I know exactly what you are talking about. I also know getting out of my house and being a part of something would help. But like you, afraid of what might happen. I guess if I did something with a bunch of other ladies like me it would be okay. Lol. I know when I take short walks it helps and when I do make it to bible study. Other than that is all I can do to get my son back and forth to school and go to the grocery! I hope you do get a break soon.
lady69 kim74983
Hey Kim,
What's the problem? Panic attacks/Trauma/Menopause????? x x x x
kim74983 lady69
lady69 kim74983
I got an early Menopause........... ''Peri menopausal'' at 39''............. Irregular periods etc............. I thought it was just ''Stress''........... but then came on the ''FULL ''Menopause! at 42! 4 YEARS I have have had allsorsts and tried every ''natural items''...........But it just got worse and I have decided to take the option of HRT......PLUS....... I became/AM like you........... had to leave my job,as I Couldn't face the tubes/Trains etc......Crowds........ALLSORTS! But I have been put on a ''very Low dose of HRT'' called ''Premak-C....... Day 12 and my hot flushes and night sweats are starting to ''significanly recede''''............ I was ''adamant not to take it.......... but like you I just couldn't bear the ''physical and Mental'' symptoms............. Felt I was going TOTALLY BONKERS''......... Have a good chat with you GP and see how you go........... I got all the information I could, so made an ''Informed decision.......... x x x x PS: Also going now for ''Talking therapies............. x x x
lady69 kim74983
NO JOKE............. I was waking at night maybe 6 times............ having to drink ''Tonic water........../Fan on/Sleeping by open window........... walking around thinking I was a lunatic............ My hair stuck to my head in the mornings and the SWEATS???????? But I just could not face it anymore........ Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad..... you poor darling...... I am on Prempak-C which has ''Estrogens and Norgestrol''...... The smallest dose! But MY GOD...... It has made a difference! I also Take an anti-depressant called ''Venlafaxine........ and my Pschotherapist'' has given me a low dose of ''VALIUM''.............. I don't take them every day, but even a couple in my purse make me feel like I will be ok if I feel I am heading for a ''PANIC ATTACK.......... You are Not going Crazy!!! Just need to get the Help you deserve!!! You are NOT ALONE........... Believe me x x x
beth86610 kim74983
maria101 kim74983
Hi Kim, I know how you feel but I could only tell you it gets better I use to be like that trap in hell, and use to think I wouldn't get out of this nightmare....but I have had a break through the symptoms subsided when I reach menopause, I can't tell you how will feel in post when I reach there but I do know there is difference to how I'm feeling right now
im going back out to the shop and talking to people with out my heart pounding and want to run out
im not hiding myself to much indoors now, still not travel out far as I should but I guess I will get there
how ever your feeling one morning you will get up feeling better because I've been there you carry on fighting do what ever it takes to get through it.
becky53379 maria101
Hello Maria, this post gives me still peri and struggle off and on. I do look forward to the day when I can wake up and feel better. Im glad that you are doing well. Take care and thanks again
cynthia00141 kim74983