How many of you ladies have been told by doctors you are in menapause?
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Don't understand,, any of you ladies have this as a problem? doctors have told me three different times that I am in menopause due to my hormone test yet.... I continue to have light periods of like 2-3 days and spot usually on the months I do not start around the same days of my normal cycle,, honestly Iam so sick of this because they say if you spot in menopause you are supposed to go to the doctor.. IM SICK OF GOING TO THE DOCTOR!!! ive probably had my period at least 9 times this year, maybe someone out there on why these hormone tests come up this way, anyone with experience please expain!! HUGS TO ALL!!!❤❤❤
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gailannie Beverlys1
Hi Beverly,
The first thing you need to hear is that blood tests are only a snap shot at that moment. All woman experience meno differently. Some women go from normal levels to NOTHING in a month, others do a slow and gentle drop. Your bleeding is more important than the blood tests. The standard philosophy is you have to go one full year without bleeding to be in menopause, so I'm shocked your doc is telling you otherwise, simply referring to your numbers. Obviously, you are making enough estradiol to create bleeding almost every month.
Second, in my final couple years, my periods spaced out to every other, then every third, and finally a period just every six months. (I took that slow and gentle drop route)
So I'd say, forget what your doc is telling you, your body is saying otherwise. You aren't menopausal. Just go with the flow, knowing that menopause is coming. And trust me, I'd give anything to have my periods back, so be careful what you ask for. Enjoy what ever compliment of hormones you still have.
gailannie Beverlys1
Don't now what happened, but on my end, my response isn't printed in full.
Hope you get all of my answer.
JacquiR Beverlys1
I took the hormone test in my 40's because I had all the symptoms of perimenopause. The test came back and my doc told me "no way!" you will go into menopause in your mid to late fifties based on the results.
BOOM! I was officially in menopause at 50! I never went back to that doctor. He thought I was crazy telling him all my symptoms. UGH. I switched to a female doctor.
SOOOOO... not sure that test is accurate!
ImagineOneDay Beverlys1
I never believed in blood test results. I suggest you go by your symptoms. Hugs back to you and all the ladies here who needs it during this phase of our lives
kelly55079 Beverlys1
My friend told me that her Dr could tell just by looking at her (skin)!! WTHeck... She didn't have periods for months.. We all know it's 12 months and no periods. Then she had a period and I just laughed-- some doctor he is... He must've said that to give her some hope at 56.
Beverlys1 kelly55079
That is comical Kelly,,, thank u girls, but has been more then one doctor that has told me this one was a male MD, maybe had no clue about the symptoms the other one was my endocrinologist for 15 years,, she saw my log for my periods and said your just spotting alot,,,,,what the heck does that mean,, she didn't even listen to me! I REALLY DIDN'T BECAUSE I KNEW I WAS HAVING PERIODS...
christine-Perim Beverlys1
my female doctor told me the blood tests are not reliable unless you do multiple test since the constant fluctuation in hormones cant be accurate with just one draw. hence the mood swings. she recommended one before ovulation and one after. not just one random draw.
Takingtime Beverlys1
Hi Beverly, First off I would say that there is no real solid test out there that can tell you that you are in menopause because leading up to menopause our hormones are fluctuating every month often times most of us have some sort of hormonal imbalance.To know for sure if you are in menopause is if you have missed 12 solid cycles, so a year with no period, then you would be considered in menopause. Unfortunately doctors are not strongly educated in this subject, they just go by the test that was taken and put in their two cents. I have had many blood tests done and each of them were different, one time it said I was low in estrogen, then next time I was low in progesterone, then back to normal, one time I had a high FSH, the next time it was normal. I go by all my symptoms to tell me that I am heading on the road to menopause....which by the way can take up to 10 years. I have had a period every month, but none of them are the same some months its 3 days and light, next month it's 7 days and again I no longer rely on testing and just know that once I go a full year with no period I will have graduated into menopause.
Beverlys1 Takingtime
yep,,,we all know it takes a year,, just don't understand why they act like we are all so stupid like I said,, I just left and went to myself"WHAT EVER"why cant they just say these tests are not accurate all the time??That is why I never went and got another one in 6 years... You know after seven years in peri now,, it would be nice to see a little light at the end of the tunnel and some professional advice once in a while on this topic we all know more then most of them" JUST SOOO FRUSTRATING "HUGS