How much more is one to take
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i literally cant take no more its just too hard its always something everyday of my life it never stops. three days late and the dizziness is worse heart races when outside doing things bloated gas indigestion bowel issue,internal shakes i really don't understand why i cant get a break and why being outside makes all these symptoms worse. its not even that hot outside. so here i am in bed crying my eyes out cause its literally taking my life from me. this head dizzies has plagued me for three straight years nobody understands im looked at like its all in my head from my Dr and my family. im ready to just give up im tired of trying to push through and ignore and live life that doesn't work. i still get a period every month just comes early or late so why the symptoms so bad no relief? i pray everyday day in and day out i believe in God but im starting to think why pray its not helping.
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Pamwhid pamela2016
oh how i hear you last week at this time i was fine today im at work my mind racing with all these what if, what if. i cant concentrate, every day is a new symptom im due to get my period i hope if i do get it this will subside
marisol06794 pamela2016
hi pamela
I'm so sorry to hear what you going through but I completely understand you I'm going through the same thing every symptom you mention and so many more the dizziness the headaches and nausea heart palpitations cold chills night sweats brain fog blurry vision forgetfulness sinuses the list goes on and on an let me not forget my worst symptom which right now is killing me the bloating and the gases with that comes my shortness of breath my fatigue I'm so exhausted I can't eat anything because everything makes my stomach hurt and I feel so bloated I can't breathe and my mood swings I can be happy minute crying the next and then just mad at anything and everybody my poor husband gets worst part of it I don't see him all day because he works 10-hour shifts and when he comes home instead of me being happy it's like I've seen the devil I get mad at him and fighting with him for no reason I thank God that he is such a good man if not we would have been divorced a long time ago after my fits I apologize and start crying because I know I'm wrong but I can't control it and as you I feel no one understands me I have nobody to talk to that's going through the same thing the only place I get some comfort is when I go on this forum with you ladies and I know I'm not alone
but it's so tiring not having a life having to stay home all the time because I can go out because I'm always ill this all started when I was 41 and I am 47 now and I'm still going through all of this I still get my regular periods so I don't understand why it is so hard like you said why can't we get a break of all this crap right now I'm just laying in bed exhausted of doing nothing I really pray to God this is over soon I wish you the best if you ever need to chat I'm here remember you're not alone a big hug for you and lots of blessings!!!
claire38123 marisol06794
OH my you are me everything you have wrote it what iam going through its so hard i wish i could just wake up feeling normal i had a hysterectomy 7 years ago at 39 but left my ovaries and iv hit peri now and in jan this year it hit me all at once and i thought i was dying i even had 2 months off work iam back now but would love to have a day were i wasnt totally blocked up with sinus problems or dizziness or aching back & sore boobs ,high blood pressure ,palpitations ,hot sweats,lack of sleep and everything thing else my body is putting me through due to lack of bloody hormones this should be a time of life we can all enjoy with kids getting older its our time but no lets go through the menopause and feel total crap and dont want to do anything or feel so ill you cant do anything my daughter has just booked me and her a holiday to spain in july and iam so going to have to put my big girl pants on as when i wake in the night with anxiety i hug my hubby and that makes me feel better but iam sure my 26 yr old daughter dont want mummy in her bed lol i just wish all this would end and end soon big hugs to you its so nice to see we are not alone is this crappy ordeal we are all enduring xx
Pamwhid claire38123
why are the mornings the worst for me, as the day goes on, i just keeping pushing through and at night time im fine.
Pamwhid pamela2016
the mornings are the worst for me dont know what symptoms im going to wake up to. im 49 and my fiancee is so understanding i dont know what i would do without him im the biggest hypocondriac.
katyD211 Pamwhid
Your understanding fiance is evidence of your prayers being heard.
and I guarantee you that I am a bigger hypochondriac than you are!
Shana_P pamela2016
Hi Pamela,
I totally get where your coming from. I am going through the same thing with the dizziness/Vertigo when i move my head and neck. My heart is doing all the same things especially if I eat sugar,salt or spicey foods the tingling and pins and needles gets worse in my legs feet and hands. I also shake, Tremble and See Visual disturbances as well. Plus I had post concussion syndrome and had major whiplash last year from a car accident. I am a Big Believer in God and been praying for months and I totally understand what you mean about continuing to pray if nothing seems to change. Big Hugs for you and I hope that we all can get off this Roller Coaster Ride Called Peri/Meno.
pamela2016 Shana_P
i cant read your whole message its not showing up
lexie41068 pamela2016
Pamela you are so not alone I had the exact experience dizziness weakness bloating pain stomach pain, still having periods whenever of the month I had it all at once 5 years later when a bad symptom is gone another one sneaks in I am a believer praying is all I could do when no one understood. Hang in there.
katyD211 pamela2016
Please stay prayerful...your cries are heard.
pamela2016 katyD211
thanks im still praying to God i wont give up on faith,some days is so much harder then others yesterday was one of them.thanks to all you ladies for replying i hope we all get peace soon
Scotland005 pamela2016
Hi Pamela
I am new to the forum but wrote a reply to another lady a few days ago . I am now 53 and have not had a period in over two years, but have had every symptom you can imagine and i know some times you dont want to hear this but you have to change your lifestyle and eating habits completely, its the only way to get through this. It was only when I started keeping a food log I realized how certain food made my symptoms worse. Such a bloat, flushing, night sweats, reflux, breathlessness the list goes on. Im a fitness instructor so I have always done exercises but found i had to change my diet . starting off by cutting out all sugar. This stopped the bloat and flushing. Cut out coffee, spicy food and tomatoes and alcohol this stopped reflux.
things like stodgy carbs bread, pasta ect all cause bloat. No more dairy I changed to a plant based diet. I still have fish and on occasion chicken . And I feel like a new person. I have lost the weight I had started to gain around my middle, have loads more energy, no more bloat and feeling of being sluggish. Our bodies are going through a huge change and we are not able to digest the foods we used to eat. Its not gonna be easy but depends on how well you want to feel. cutting out sugar was hard i had terrible sore heads but now dont miss it at all. The benefits are worth it. I feel like I used to and its brilliant, you wont look back . Trust me .
Good luck
pamela2016 Scotland005
thank you ill try these things i know we all want to feel well and normal and pray we all get there
Shana_P pamela2016
I dont understand why my post only show a little bit!!! Its frustrating
Gypsy014 Shana_P
Hi shana p I've never been able to read any of your posts, and have tried every time I see you in here , (your posts look interesting) just gave up trying! Apparently im not the only one not able to read yours.. Maybe try posting from a different device , and or google any suggestions, I wouldnt begin to know why its doing this, hopefully you get it resolved so we can indeed all communicate with you..