How's today ladies?!
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What's your symptoms today ladies? We gotta have some fun right? So let's make it funny!
3rd day of early Ms. Flo here, and she's ramping up on making me crazy!
Either I'm going to die, OR she's testing me again.
She's throwing that tight chest feeling at me, and what an arm she has. She's also stuffing something in my ears to make me feel like they're gonna pop.
Every hour or so she makes me feel faint and gives me the TINIEST of dizzy spell, but just enough to make me nervous and get a little anxiety, then she rips that away because she KNOWS I'm gonna go lay down, and before I do she throws a curve ball at my head somewhere OUCH!
Then she laughs evilly and makes my eyes blur for a second before she starts all over again.
I think she's mad because I took Advil and that got rid of the cramps.
Pretty sure what really did her in was the vitamins and ACV and molasses because she knows how healthy that stuff is.
Flo is one heck of an opponent!! But I'll fight her until I win!!
OH and she KNOWS that it's thanksgiving for those of us in the U.S, and she's fully aware I was considering eating a bunch of carbs and sugary deserts. But I've got a surprise for her competitive butt tomorrow.
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sarahonadowner Str8tfans
Day 4 of my second period this month (last one was 10 days ago). Feel short of breath, anxious, like my head is going to burst, dizzy and tired.
And have given in to this hell today and am resting up now.
Why do all my friends seem normal???????
Happy Thanksgiving to you across the pond! X
Str8tfans sarahonadowner
Yes- yesterday was hell for me, but I pushed through it. Just woke up an hour ago- and of course as soon as I woke up started dwelling on “is today going to be a replay of yesterday?”
If only our minds would allow us to push those thoughts away, it’s possible many of the symptoms wouldn’t be there.
Gah! So annoying!
2chr2015 sarahonadowner
2chr2015 Str8tfans
sarahonadowner Str8tfans
amy602 Str8tfans
OMG I so agree... I am almost always dwelling on what will tomorrow be like, will it be good or bad like today etc. I hate how my mind is during this time. It does set off other symptoms which isn't fun either. I cant wait till this is all over, just hope its not that much longer till Im normal again.
Willow1992 Str8tfans
Hi Sarah. Enjoyed your cheery post. I too agree and think like you and all the replies......what symptom will i expect tomorrow? It's such a comfort when other women have the weird/strange symptoms i suffer with too. So happy I discovered this site.