How to get ones glam back.
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I've always been a bubbly person filled with personality and have always felt sexy, pretty or attractive. Being bloated, farting and down right depressed has really got a way of taking away that feeling!
(Yes, lately, I fart more than anyone I have ever known). TMI I know.
I thought it might be helpful if we shared ways that we managed to get our 'groove' back. Or managed to feel pretty and sexy and like a woman again.
Lately I feel like a pregnant sloth.
I wear sensible underwear (ugh!) saves the sexier kind rolling under my belly and reduces possible infections (thrush). I have tried to buy better sexier undies but they lay in the drawer untouched.
Maybe we can share ideas that work?
Or that have worked for us. I want to feel sexy, pretty and Okay despite all the odd symptoms I have to put up with. x
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pinkcatfairy callianne_65675
Do you do some form of exercise?, I swim a few times a week and this makes me feel better in myself, i feel like it gives me abit of control over the meno thing. I recently had to have a break as the pool is closing and im finding an alternative, i have noticed that i feel less good about myself not exercising! X
callianne_65675 pinkcatfairy
shaznay96184 callianne_65675
Can I just ask: what's 'sexy', 'pretty' and 'attractive', as I don't think I've ever been any of them!!
But I do wear sensible underwear - is that the big ones that you tuck your gut into? - Oh yeah, and I fart! (Whats that all about?)
Seriously, I think I know what you mean. Truly never been anything near sexy/pretty/attractive IMO, but I've never beaten myself up about it. I do know what you mean about the getting your 'groove' back tho' - I just wish I could physically re-live some of the more saucy moments that I seem to have rolling around my head these days.
Funny thing is, as much as I think I want to get jiggy, I can't actually be arsed most of the time. But I have lots of sexy thoughts/flashbacks, which sorta get me going........but generally when I'm in some totally inappropriate place like a supermarket queue. Or, as was the case this weekend, at an antiques fayre! I caught sight of my ol' man, who to me is the horniest man in the world, surrounded by fat gutted, sweaty-looking, balding, badly dressed men the same age as him, and had this overwhelming urge to **** his brains out!!! Whats that all about?!!
I suppose its like most things: Timing is Everything! And my only consolation is that I still get the 'urge' no matter that its totally inappropriately placed!!
I'm going to keep following this thread cos' I want to see what others advise. As long as it doesn't involve legs around my neck, waist trainers, rubber, latex, or even a bloody Wonderbra (I can't breath when they're shoved up where they should be!), maybe I'll give it a go!!
Callianne, I'm sure you're still a very attractive, sexy lady. And if Bridget's big drawers were enough to get Hugh Grant to pull them off her, then they're good enough for me!!
callianne_65675 shaznay96184
One where you feel like a woman, have confidence in ones appearance and the zing and zest for life. Most really beautiful women I feel start from the inside out.
shaznay96184 callianne_65675
Sadly at this time our confidence takes a massive knock. Noticed a major blip for me personally 2yrs ago after we sold our (very people-based) business. Gave ourselves a 2yr sabbatical: I planned to do noting!:-)
I went from the one who was the first point of contact for everyone, to what felt like a 'no-one'. That was in the first 5-6mths which I see as my well-deserved 'fall-out' (I'd worked 11hr days for 22yrs).
Suppose I was slightly in mourning for the busy, but largely happy life I'd given up.
From 6-12mths I was giving me some attention, looking into Peri in more detail. Honestly think I've been in it for donkey's years, but a lot of my symptoms got camouflaged by work-related stress and, sadly, bereavements. Had, hard times
From 12mths+ = bored, bored, bored!!! Our 2yr break is coming to an end and a new, scary/exciting phase is upon us. Hot legal work and property sales to cope with. Not to mention relocating from London (yippee!) but leaving our son here
If I don't look like a bloated, wrinkled, wreak after that lot, I'll have done well!!!
Don't give up the lovely underwear/clothes: so what if they're not thongs and peephole bras any more? If you're like me you'll have more flesh hanging out of them to convince you nothings chnged!!
They still do beautiful lingerie in more 'generous' sizes of pants that can still look good. Me: I'll stick with my sensible M&S drawers, and hope that Tom Hardy finds then a turn-on - Hugh Grant just ain't man enough for me!!(Failing that, Ben Stiller - he can make me laugh myself out of them anytime!!!:-) :-) :-)
Enjoy your day
shaznay96184 callianne_65675
lea34890 callianne_65675
Its a tough one isnt it... i have gone from an 8 to a 12 ... which i really struggle with.. but i am getting there....
One thing i did was get rid of everything that was in my wardrobe that didnt fit me.... as there is nothing worse when you have a bad day trying to get your backside into a pair of jeans that wouldnt fit a bloody 15 year old....
Then i looked at what was left and a bought some nice sparkly tops etc for when i was heading out.....
On the days that i feel REALLY bad .. then i stay at home in my jammies, put something good on the box and just wallow... i think its important to have them days too....
On the good days though, i slap on the make up and do whatever i feel like doing... i do make myself meet people go for coffee, movies etc and if im honest the more times i go out with friends the better it is and feel better about myself and less frumpy//// on the days where i dont want to see people i take my doggie for a cuppa instead....
I try to walk, i other other issues which restrict that some days... or a cycle a little bit. I have been so tired the last 2 weeks that i havent even looked at my bike, but hopefully next week.....
I think the best way to get your glam and sexy back is to actually try and do what makes YOU happy......
I am not going to wish you luck as i am sure you are FAB... you just cant see it yet x