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hi decided to take low dose hrt not sure if im doing the right thing but dont want to feel old and dry and tierd you know got to fedup stage. so anyways i took my first one today.
im still thinking what have i done should i not take the next one.
how long does it take to start working? will my dryness go away?
will my hair stop falling out? and will i start to feel my energy come
back and not feel tierd. becouse if none of that changes then its not
worth taking . i read hrt makes you fat is that true iv already got weight around my tum from having twins that i cant shift.ibothers me and strokes. i want people to post who take it and how long for and which one they take and if they had side affects and how old were they when they started. im 46 i feel im to you g to start hrt as dr said i can only take it for five years i just feel my symptoms arnt bad enough to take hrt. not since bei g to see the dr as after seing her i got alot better gosh.
am i bets to just start taking it befor i get in to the full blown meno probs and glide through it gracfully till im 50
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monique_93857 d19606
Siobhancollin d19606
christine75704 d19606
I am 62 now and have recently retired so thought I would try and come off this. My doctor at the time foolishly told me to just go cold turkey and stop taking them completely which I did. However the hot flushes and night sweats came back so badly that I had to go back on them and am now attempting to come off them really gradually and slowly by cutting tablets in half every other day etc. I have never put weight on or been dry with the HRT and it did make me feel so much better, but the only downside to this is that coming off them is really really difficult.
I do hope you feel better if you do decide to take them, as they certainly made a huge difference to my wellbeing and there may be huge advancements by the time you come off them. Good luck
gailannie d19606
These hormones effect every single cell in our bodies.
Good luck
Tabstoyou d19606
WoodsyChrissy d19606
Maybe try using a herbal HRT then, I had ovarian cancer in 2002, and had BOTH ovaries removed and been on HRT since, my doctor has tried me on many different meds, and still I battled on, I was only 40 and now 53 and still on HRT, now trying Peridot patches twice a week, also I take effexor for the depression and enxiety, really helps. Unfortunately we all seem to loose our hair, and our nails get brittle and your skin gets very dry, Im going to try primose evening oil, hope you can find some peace.....
catts123 d19606
susan21149 d19606