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Ladies big question I went for a big breakdown wifh my anxiety and I start bleeding again after 6 months of not period. I am taking HRT Premarin plus Progesterone.
Please help when you ladies take it Night or Morning to work better????
Help and comments much appreciated ❤️
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jude84900 marcia_27799
Hi Marcia,
Just going to give you some information from my own hormone journey and suggestions you might want to consider for yours.
I am 57, been in menopause for over two years. I went on Bio Identical Hormones almost immediately. A combination of Estrodial/Estriol, Testosterone and Progesterone. Some very minimal bleeding when I first started HRT due to awakening those estrogen receptors up. I can't say it loud enough, a good doctor that is well practiced in hormone replacement therapy is key. So many doctors want to just put women on stuff and some never run a blood test to really see what the woman needs. A good holistic doctor well run all your bloodwork regularly and put you on just what your body needs and what your symptoms show. Remember whats lacking in your body right now making you feel the way you do and it is those hormones that have to be replensihed to make you feel "right" again. I have to say, read some good books on bio identical hormones. I personally would never take a synthetic. Premarin is a synthetic. There is very good compounding pharmacies that will make what you need that is the same molecule structure that our own bodies make. Our bodies recognize natural hormones and know what to do with them, they do not recognize a substance that has horse urine in it such as premarin. Just saying, having success with HRT is starting with the most natural stuff you can. On the when do you take it. I am on transdermal creams. I apply my estrogens and testostesrone once a day and progesterone twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. Hope this helpss
marcia_27799 jude84900
Thanks so much Jude for your reply, it is very hard to understand and conquer the correct balance once we start this journey. I went to the doctor yesterday and he lowered a little my Premarin dosis to balance me and see if stop the bleeding. If my period continues for more than 10 days I think he would like to get a ultrasound and biopsy from me, 😩. Honestly after seeing him m yesterday my anxiety calmed a little I think my emotions play a very important role here, but he doesn't jump to pump medication right away. I will mention asap definitely the comments on synthetic medication and ask him absolutely it is very important to obtain the best treatment possible.
Omg it is so hard, when this will end!!!! I just want to feel normal again I know my body is getting older and I understand that we as women endured several steps in life, but seriously has to be this hard?!!
I am so grateful to have Patient to share, learn, and vent all this feeling. Thanks again
jude84900 marcia_27799
You ask when will this end. Something I should have mentioned in my above posting is this. Our bodies are depleting on hormones. The big ones that keep us sane, estrogen, testosterone, progesterone. If we get on hormone treatment it is to replace these hormones and feel better. Age better and if done right and under a good doctor with the right hormones keep us healthier as our aging bodies age. Yes, things are detteriorating, it is mother natures way. So if you get on the right hormone treatment and start feeling much better as I did, what do you think happens if you quit taking hormone replacemnet? Yes, the same symptoms your dealing with seem to come back. Afterall, why are we feeling this way? Lack of hormones. Take the hormones away and symptoms are back. I am planning to stay on bio identicals for the rest of my life. I will be monitered through regular lab work. Reading up on this subject is very important. There is so many good books and videos out there. Read read read. You will be surprised the benefits above and beyond menopause symptoms that BHRT offers. This is why I will stay on them for life. Once last thing. For some reason, main stream doctors don't typically get into the bio identical hormones. They have not studied them and know little about them, so they just continue to give out the standard prescription of the synthetics. My own doctor, who was female wasn't into any HRT, even bio identicals which I could tell she knew little about so I went to a holisitc doctor that gave me my life back.
marcia_27799 jude84900
Thanks Jude, it is totally true how can we expect someone to know about our body if we don't try to get more knowledge first.
TeresaF marcia_27799
zoe62821 marcia_27799
I was wondering the same thing. How long have you been on HRT?