HRT or not?
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iv been suffering with peri for at least 4 years and I have only just had my 44th birthday. Originally it started with low energy missed periods, and feeling low, but about 2 years ago it was getting worse with joint pain, foggy head, exhaustion, nausea, sinus and ear pain, tinnitus and dizziness. Since last November the UTI feelings, needing to pee, empty bowels and acid reflux and IBS has kicked in. The Dr did diagnose ME and Fibro last year, but after reading some of the discussions on here I think it is more Peri symptoms. Anyway after all that my dr has recommended that I try HRT as I am very young to be without oestrogen and it will make me feel better. I have been trying the natural reute which helps with the hot flushes, night sweats and disturbed sleep. Has anyone here had a good result using HRT?
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jayneejay Mo333jo
sounds just like peri symptoms, i started peri aged 40 .. Lastes 10 years..
only you can decide if you want HRT hun
all personal choice ..
good luck
jay x
Mo333jo jayneejay
Goodness does peri really go on for that long!
I'm just worried about taking medication. Have you tried HRT?
I feel so rubbish and I just want to get back to how I used to be. X
jayneejay Mo333jo
everyone different how long peri is.
i am 51 in June and post meno now, still have lack of energy and bad days sometimes.
no i did not have HRT as have female breast cancer history in family and i had endometriosis when i was in my thirties, too high risk.
plus HRT only postpones menopause, and when you stop taking it, you have it all to go through again.
Maca 5.1 rainforest food maca capsules helped me alot and Vit B6 etc
jay x
loretta63638 Mo333jo
Been there as many have in making that decision. My symptoms were debilitating and I believe those who have decided to go HRT did so because it comes down to risk vs quality of life. New reports came out in March 2015 regarding the risks it stated that the risks of women who took HRT were really no greater than in women who did not regarding cancers here in USA. I have had this discussion many times with my GYN and he hasn't any concerns that claim otherwise. Personally I will die with HRT prescribed Heaven forbid there isn't any in the afterlife just in case!!!
Best to you and your choice will be exactly that.
susan21149 Mo333jo
I am 46 and in post menopausal I am not to fond of HRT, because of my blood pressure, my diabetes, my anxieties, would be up the roof if I were on HRT. I am on a lot of Medications
I advise that you talk to your doctor and it is up to you and how you feel if the HRT is working.
Good luck and hang in there
Cherryblossom32 Mo333jo
Beetle1965 Mo333jo
If you have ME and Fibro, could some symptoms be due to this? Are there any other things you can add in terms of supplements, diet, relaxation etc that might support your general wellbeing?
It is true that being without estrogen young is not good, I am 45 and was told I was menopausal when I had a very high FSH and one missed period, I have now had normal readings and two normal (a bit heavier) periods - I don't have hot flushes etc, so it's not really clear to me if estrogen really is low. Your flushes suggest yours might be, but it's hard to tell - our hormones go all over the place at this point.
I think taking some more time to try and work out how you can address the main symptoms that are bothering you, might help you make a choice. HRT helps a lot of women.