Hrt patches and palpitations
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Hi I've been on patches for about two and a half weeks now. I get palpitations anyway but they seem to be worse. Is this normal.i hate it it really scares me does any one have the same
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catherine73049 Kim1971
What's patches are you on I been on patches for 2 weeks aswell I get them sometimes
samantha98102 Kim1971
What patches are you on? Ive been on mine for four months now . My palpitations stopped after about six weeks
I'm on everol patches in my 3rd week now. Just want to feel normal 🙁
Livvvy Kim1971
I've been on everol for a couple of years and wouldn't link the palpatations to them but see them more as another symptom of Menopause. You probably would have been having them even if you weren't on Hrt. I am no expert but hear lots of women who are in some stage of Menopause experience episode of palpatations.
catherine73049 Kim1971
Same I'm on them starting on the second lot of patches tomorrow I'm dreading it as lots of lady's say it gave them bad depression anxity hope not do u feel any better so far I dont feel any different x
Kim1971 catherine73049
Hi I've noticed the flushes arnt so bad and I'm sleeping a bit better but fingers crossed it's only early days. Hope they work for you x
aly48544 Kim1971
Hi i started Evorel a year be honest they turned me into an insomniac!
and made me quite low.
after a really bad day on Saturday my partner said just rip the bloody thing off!
And im so glad i did so far im feeling so much better.
I know fir some people they work amazingly well but for me right now they made me feel really ill.
im 56 and before I started them i was still getting periods body really didn't know what the hell was happening with the patches!?
I really wish I could use them as they do amazing things for heart and joints but they did make me feel porely hope they work for you xxx
catherine73049 Kim1971
Hi I'm starting the combi patch today so scared as read it makes people depressed anxity omg I can't go through that and I'm on my period I seen my Dr he said it's fine really don't now what to do so scared has any1 been ok on it x
Livvvy catherine73049
I can only speak from my own experience but they don't make me feel depressed or anxious. I don't think they are miracle patches and sort all Menopause symptoms like lack of sleep and aches and pains but for me and I'm on the everol conti as I've not had a period for two years and have been on them for over 2 yrs and they made a huge difference to the horrendous night sweats and dryness. They really are just putting back the hormones that are leaving your body. I would also say that people in the UK suffer from lower mood in winter due to lack of daylight. I take a vitamin d and a magnesium... Not sure if they are working as only been taking them about 6 weeks or so.
So sorry for waffling on about me but I would give it a go for at least 6 months if you can.
Kim1971 Livvvy
I need a vit d supplement what strength are you on? Also what do you take magnesium for. My joints are so bad some days I could cry . I know I lack in vitamin d as I had blood tests. Wasn't sure if you could t aske them with the patches x
Livvvy Kim1971
I believe magnesium helps with bone density. You can look it up and see if it suits you. I just went to my health food shop for the vitamin d. I've heard of people going to the doctors to get checked for their vit d levels.
I just heard that in Scotland the population suffers from lack of vitamin d and since I am indoors at work all day it made sense for me to take it.
I still get aches and pains, think I'm just gonna have to tolerate that, it can be grueling - mentally. Oh for those days when I was younger and never had an ache or pain and took my body for granted... How frustrating.
catherine73049 Kim1971
Ok thank you livvy iill give them a go but I dont like the way they make me feel but not every works straight away it takes time people are telling me horrendous stories about the northestrone patches about it making them anxious and depressed and bad pmt it really put me off using them oh well ill give them a go just want my happy self back for mee and my 3 beautiful children thanks for your reply x
Livvvy catherine73049
You can only try them, if they don't suit you try other ones. I was initially on tablets but they did not suit then I was put on a different type because that brand was no longer on the market, then I heard the scare stories and just stopped taking then. Finally I asked the doc to refer me to a sexual health consultant and she was amazing. She put me on everol conti patches as my period had stopped and I've been on them ever since. They are not perfect but I don't have major sweats, dryness, feel down or anxious, well not any more than when I had a period. I think women are always fluctuating in their moods... Big generalisation - I know but we will always be over thinkers and worriers. Just give them a go and if they don't work try a different brand. Each one may effect you slightly differently and if they are having too negative an effect on you come off them.
Guest Kim1971
i have been put on evorol conti as my elleste duet conti not available i had bad palpations before i took elleste duet but they stopped with elleste i was put on kliofem and my palpitations started again so stopped and was given the patch a week ago as i said i was scared to put it on so i cut it in half prob did wrong thing as my flushes came back with vengeance and the palpitations to felt terrible i took the half patch off and have not had it on for two days im getting hot flashes still and am thinking maybe i should go the whole hog and stick a full patch on as maybe my symptoms were because there was not enough hormone going in im just afraid that my palpitations will come back with vengeance if i put on a full one