HRT patches. Evorel

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Want good reviews of HRT Evorel patches and Utrogestan capsules.

Just started them today.

I have got just about every horrible symptom going. I've had enough,so have started patches today. I want to feel a bit better to enjoy my kids before they leave home. I am 46 and have had symptoms for 3 years however the last 3 months have been out of this world. Depression,doom and gloom,panic attacks,night sweats,hot flashes,burning mouth,severe headaches,dizziness,tinnitus,crawling feeling etc. No interest in anything. I am a different person and I don't like the person. Any nice comments please 😊

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28 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle I'm on the same HRT as you. 

    Im 51 and like you I'd had enough......I felt like I'd lost me if that makes sense ?

    ive been on the patches for nearly 3 mths. My enthusiasm is better than its been, sleep better, skin nails and hair starting to look and feel better and best of all my moods much improved. 

    I know the slight risk of having HRT but the risk to my health staying as I was wasn't good either.

    feeling lots better and know things still need to settle down.....and improve


    • Posted

      giving me hope ladies, i am having blood tests tomorrow but told my doc i want to start hrt, if my levels are right she is going to start me on it next week - i totally get the comments have had enough and want the old me back...


    • Posted

      Jayne, i totally get the comments its nice to hear i am not alone,we willbe starting HRT at similar times, be good to share our experiences on here. I


    • Posted

      Hi Julie, that would be great, fingers crossed it works!! Xx
    • Posted

      Hi deb just wondered if it's evorel sequi or conti ur on. Iv bn prescribed the sequi but hvnt started taking them as yet. Iv bn peri for about 4/5 years. Last period i had was october and previous to that every couple of months. Som days am worse than others lack of motivation low mood, doom and gloom etc and feelings of anxiety. Like the joy has went out of life! !😢😢 was there any side effects at all and how long did it take to kick in. Thank you ☺☺
    • Posted

      Hi Tina

      its the Evorel Sequi conti im on, patches. After about a week and a half I Started to feel brighter and got some motivation back for life really.

      i hope you benefit from them as I have as its horrible to feel so rubbish....and frustrating.

      let me know how you get on id be interested to know  


    • Posted

      Thanks for replying. I was on a three monthly tablet hrt called tridestra last year. Jul till October hence the bleed. previous to that it was April so nearly a year nx month. It did stop the tears!! Which was so bad I cudnt function but nearing the end of the cycle it made my moods swings worse such feelings of anger I cud literally have killed!! I also increased in inches!! Not so much weight gain but just wider ie hips thighs nothing fitted! ! And soo bloated. That has now settlled thsnk god. The doctor took me off them and gave me the patches which i hvnt taken as yet bcos im fearfulv and bn struggling along ever since. My confidence is just in my boots. Xx
    • Posted

      Bless you I can understand that.

      When I got my patches I thought right lets get me back to being me if that makes sense.I eat well excercise a little sleep well now and have the odd tipple.....just care for myself more. This has built my confidence back I know now I've not gone la la lol

      Best of luck and like I've to know how your doing


  • Posted

    Hi Michelle, I know how you feel I had the crawling feeling as well as the other symptoms i mentioned. I have a ten-year-old and recently have felt as though i am not there for him and i hate it. I am going to start HRT when i speak to my doctor. Do you ever feel in the morning as though you are about 80 and cant get going ? I really struggle with that x
    • Posted

      Hi Julie

      Yes every day at the moment I can't get moving . I only worked part time but I gave it up early January. Will go back when I am a lot better. I have a 13 year old boy and I feel guilty that I'm not doing things with him the last few Months. I need my energy back. Taking vitamin B 6 and 12 supplements.

    • Posted

      I thought it was me, or something wrong with me, i am university full time, (late learner lol ) and some days i get up and its even hard to go up and down stairs. I hate not having the energy in the mornings. This site is helping a lot its good to know we are all sane and have the same fears and worries. I hope you start to feel better soon. I agree vitamins will help and thats something else i need to look at. 
  • Posted

    Just a mention. When at the well woman clinic Monday night I asked why if my blood test hormone levels where ok has HRT been so benaficial to me? The doc answer was the blood test aren't reliable if your over 40 so I asked what the point was in having the blood test and she just shrugged her shoulders and said symptoms and age are more reliable.......


    • Posted

      Hi Deb, how did you convince your doc to give you hrt if your levels were normal, mine were normal last time so they wouldn't let me have it due to possible risks, Symptoms are getting worse so having bloods done again today... Just want some peace!!!
    • Posted

      Hi Jayne I had my bloods done through my Gp. A male doc gave me the results and  was so unsympathetic.....the bloods are ranges but he wouldn't tell me the ranges only that my bloods where fine! 

      I knew I wasn't fine so went to our local well woman clinic who see this everyday. They've been fact I cried when the doc there understood how I was feeling.....a lady doc.

      Now I'm on HRT and have like you said it peace 

      Good luck let me know how you go 

    • Posted


      luckily i have a lady doc and she is brilliant but still wants bloods done again - but i do think she will do something if they come back fine - again!!! they can't be fine, im a raving lunatic half the month!  

    • Posted

      Hi deb, where are these well women clinics, I've never heard of them?
    • Posted

      Their called sexual health clinics really. Google them for your area or ask your Gp. They deal with all women's stuff. I've more faith in them than the Gp as they are so stressed in our area( as I'm sure they are everywhere) that you feel rushed and they look at their watch while your talking....

      what area do you live in ?  

    • Posted

      thanks deb I'm in Falkirk (sorry my emails don't notify me when I get a reply they just delete for some reason) 

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