HRTS or no HRTS that is the question.

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I have been trying to decide whether I should try HRTS or not. Anyone have any advice? I'm struggling and it seems like enjoying life is a thing of the past. Will I ever be me again?

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    I've tried several and onto another at the moment, my life has been so difficult with the peri/meno symptoms I will try anything to relieve the truly awful feelings I have.

    I get so tired it's silly and the doom and gloom feelings that come over me sometimes make my life feel unbearable.

    Take this evening as an example, I could cry my eyes out cry

    I worked a night duty last night and got up mid-afternoon, I can't do that you see, I have to sleep these crazy long hours to feel the benefit of resting properly.

    Yes I'm going on because I just feel like you, hopeless and helpkless at the mercy of my hormones.

    Nobody can tell you what to do but as I said earlier (anything is worth a try because you never know you might just come up with the right HRT formula that pulls you through all of this)

    Good luck hun

                                 Mrs M x 

    • Posted

      Thank you for the reply. Did any of the HRTS work for you? I tried the anti depressant route but no help. Gabapentin for hot flashes made me more depressed. What a weird thing perimenopause is. I still get a period every now and then but my blood work shows I'm in menopause. Some days I'm fine. Then some days I'm miserable. Good luck to you. Hope we are better then ever once we reach the other side of menopause.
    • Posted

      Hi again,

                          I haven't found the right one for me yet but keep trying

      however, I take Sertraline antidepressant (brilliant drug)

      please don,t think I advocate taking loads of drugs but if required (and they work) we must use all resources at our disposal to get through

                                 Mrs M wink

  • Posted

    HRT do it, it'll turn your life round. If it doesn't then you can bin it, I got the estrogen gel that you can put on your legs or arms. I'd recommend it to anyone.
  • Posted

    Hi Ladies

    Been on HRT for 3 months (estrogen only pill) & had the mirena coil fitted for Progesterone. I am like a new woman, joint pain gone! hot flushes gone! restless legs gone! Sleepless nights gone! Hair, nails & skin better. I've even been told I'm not such a moody old cow!!!! I still have some minor symptoms such as the odd day of sheer exhaustion but on the whole HRT is my wonder drug. My libido is also very slowly returning (won't bore you with those details!!!)

    I've tried everything & spent a fortune on over the counter medications etc but nothing has helped other than increasing my water intake.

    You have nothing to lose...give it a go!

    Hope this helps.

    Love to you all x


    • Posted

      Did you have anxiety? If you did HRT help? I have always had a little anxiety before peri but now it's over the top.
  • Posted

    Morning Kathy

    Yes I realy think you should try HRT,  you should not suffer,  HRT effects all women in different ways, from dry skin, hair loss, weight gain etc and it can go on and on, but without it, you just might go off your head (if you know what I mean)  we become soo grumpy, with anxiety and baaaad mood swings,  up and down and on it goes (sounds like im a poet hey) biggrin dont read all the side effects, only makes you more anxious of taking them etc, who knows, maybe you will be one of the lucky ones rolleyes hehe   Most of all Kath,  Just Hang In There ok cheesygrin

    A lot of the group will also answer you, with there experiences etc,  this is an awesome forum, so keep reading your mails,  Have a blessed day and a fab weekend..

  • Posted

    I don't take HRT and wouldn't as I have medical reasons for not doing so but that's just me I'm post menopause by 3.5 years but just ovulated and had a period which I'm being looked at next Friday at the hospital. But I would assume I am over the worse of it all now. I still suffer symptoms but no where near as bad as I used to. I survived with a antidepressant through it all. But I would say it does get better there is light at the end of it all. Those that take HRT is that right that you have to take it for the rest of your life cause if you stop it you go into menopause?

    Caroline 💋💋💋

  • Posted

    Hi Kathy - I have just gone onto HRT, I have had enough & sick of the feeling of ups & downs. I have been on the HRT for 5 days now but it takes a good 2 - 3 weeks to get into the system. I am still taking all my vitamins as I think we need all the extra help! I will keep you updated on how I feel!
  • Posted

    It will be your decision at the end of the day. I personally feel the risk of breast cancer is too high for me. Also if you come off it you go through the menopausea so what is the point if you are only delaying it. Good Luck wiht your decision. 


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