Hysterectomy 3 yrs ago and left ovaries in, I am 35

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Hi ladies, I am 35 yrs old, I had a hysterectomy 3 yrs ago, I now think i am starting the menopause I have had a lot of the symptoms, My mum started at 36 and her mum started at 38, I have had bloods done just waiting for the results to come back, What i am worried about is if my results come back nomal, My mum started the menopause at the 36 but the doctors kept telling her there was nothing wrong and now she is very depressed and has been for some time, she is on lots and I mean LOTS of meds for alsorts for this because she never got the hrt when she should of had it, I am worried as it runs in the family depresstion, If my results come back normal can i request to be put on hrt

many thanks ladies 

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    My gynaecologist told me after my hysterectomy that the ovaries do tend to shut down after a few years. Mother Nature sort of knows you have no use for them eg you can't have a baby. There's a lot of info in these forums about HRT. It's your choice.
    • Posted

      Thankyou matron, I am just worried that i will not get the help I need from the doctors, I have been looking at lot at hrt, there are lots of pros and cons 


    • Posted

      If there's more than one or two GP's in your practice try and find one who you think may be more sympathetic. You're only young and HRT replaces the hormone you are lacking and prevents osteoporosis and heart disease. Go armed with all the research you can find online. Look at the Royal College of Gynaecologists website. They have a section on HRT.
    • Posted

      Thankyou very much hun, I will do when I go see my gp on wednesday smile x


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