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i had a hystorectomy in my 30s and still have my Overies im just turning 50 next week is there anyone on here who has started menopause Like this ?

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  • Posted

    hi yes I did and I was 50 when I started getting the usual hot flushes night sweats al the normal syptoms

    • Posted

      hi gillian

      i hope your not strugling to much with it ?

      i have had symptons really bad and strugling been 7 weeks since it all started no sleep hot flushes lasting an hour and around 3 a day but also constantley feeling hot in my face all the time and then it flares up with avengence

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      hi for me the worsed symptoms lasted for around a year feeling very up and down I hated myself that first year I would just explode in a get then be ok the next minute I was constantly apologising to my husband and daughters I still get hot flushes at times I couldn't have HRT because I have a problem with my blood otherwise I would have given it a go

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      i think thats the route im going to go down

      but i just dont know if i am menopause coz seven weeks ago i had bad diahrohea one night and felt like i had a tempreture but with lock down i didnt have a themometer to check it had to go and have a covid 19 test which come back negative thank good !! i have one now and no temprture also i went into A and E lots of blood test and chest Xray but all clear and ive had the blood test for menopause but come back clear but since then im still having intermiten diahroea the doctor thinks its bad timing with the menopause and i know the blood test does not always show up so having other test for diaghorea cant take much more 😦 xxx

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    Hi Karen yes thats me hysterectomy when I was 27 still have ovaries.. 49 now. honestly nothing has felt the same since, they say the ovaries lose blood supply as soon as the uterus is out and tgen slowly start to die off very true for me.m and it sucks bad not knowing where we are at in the journey except it is undeniable these symptoms.. so had symptoms ever since, and when I turned around 43 I started with the joint pains really bad and frozen shoulder had blood work done sa6s I have hashimotos and rheumatoid arthritis, never had either before.. then the fatigue the flu feeling the joint pains the depression and the anxiety and the low blood sugar everything started to set in.. I don't get hot flashes ive never been a sweater I could run a marathon and not sweat but think thats because of my thyroid, but boy as soon as I go to bed I wake up in a pool of night sweats like I just took a shower or like when your breaking a fever with ibuprofen.. its so weird.. I write all my symptoms down and they all come with when I would have usually had a period or when I ovulate , my period was always around the 28th of the month and ovulation followed a couple weeks.. this is all so awful to feel like this.. I buy those sticks you pee on like a pregnancy test only its a menopause test done same way with the lines, and on the days I'm really bad its bright double lines and on the days I don't feel like death they are faded lines.. so maybe try those at least they give me a small sense of reassurance that my hormones are showing menopause when my tests stay consistant with the 2 lines and my symptoms ease up I will know I'm done with it.. take care..

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    I had a hysto but kept my ovaries at 33, I just turned 52 in March. I started meno symptoms, mainly hot flashes about 4 yrs ago, they were off and on and night sweats also. The last year and a half has really ramped up everything, anxiety thru the roof, vaginal atrophy, non stop hot flashes, insomnia, heart palpitations, digestion issues, dizziness, burning mouth, crankiness so bad I get on my own nerves, you name it I've got it.. I'm in the U.S and our docs don't like to do hormone tests so I have no idea where I'm at in this process, I'm hoping I'm coming out on the other side of this hell. I can't do HRT because of my history with fibroids and family history of breast cancer. all the women in my family breezed thru menopause but I'm not so lucky. We're all different so hopefully you'll have an easier time.. this forum and the ladies are wonderful! You're in the right place for support!

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