Hysterectomy last year now absolutely EXHAUSTED
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I had a forced hysterectomy last year due to fibroids. I'm 46 now. Gone straight into the menopause and I am getting on average 3 hours sleep per night.
I work full time, thankfully from home, but I am a PA to five busy VP's. I honestly cannot cope anymore. I would cry but I cannot be bothered.
My memory has gone, joints ache, I've gone from a size 8/10 to a 12/14 (I'm attending a 'fat camp' weekly via my Doctors and have lost nearly a stone so feel happier about that), I look like death, the hot flushes are doing my head in and I'm very snappy - oh and my perfume smells different on me and my usually strong nails are splitting constantly.
I've tried sleeping pills and then had twitchy leg syndrome ALL night, felt like growing pains, but worse. I am at the end of my tether. Can't be bothered to do anything adn would love to know if others are feeling as awful.
Oh, and the scar on my tummy is still numb and looks revolting......
Apart from that I'm ..... great !!! :-(
I live in MIlton Keynes if any others of my age are in the area.
Thanks in advance, Liz
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louise44105 liz85864
Hi Liz, sorry you're having such a horrid time. I'm not actually menopausal, just peri, but I had trouble sleeping. A lovely nurse recommended listening to relaxation/hypnotherapy when I went to bed. I found loads ot different ones on youtube and gave it a go. It worked for me and I sleep much better now. Give it a try, you never know, it may work for you too x
liz85864 louise44105
Hi Louise
Ah thank you fo ryour kind words. I've tried hynotherapy apps, relaxation apps, chilled music, sleeping pills, sleeping in my tent, sleeping in the spare room, shutting the cats out, shutting my boyfriend out (!) and nothing. 3 hours seems to be the max and when I wake up I just read for HOURS.....
Thank you for your suggestion though :-( x
tracey88366 liz85864
liz85864 tracey88366
Hi Tracey
It's AWFUL isn't it?! No one tells you before you have it done just how horrid it is - in fact everyone I spoke to said it would be so much better after !!!
I was on HRT, a gel that I rubbed in but it just didn't work after a while - I'm now on antidepressants as apparently that's the new way to treat it, but I'm just SOOOOOOOO fed up with it. Is menopace any good?
Yup, tell me about it - it's the weight gain and lack of sleep that I'm struggling with the most - along with no energy to do anything....
You're so lucky you don't work, but I don't envy you dealing with your mother with dementia.
Good luck to you and I hope you feel better soon as well. x
tracey88366 liz85864
gailannie liz85864
Liz, sorry you are having such a struggle. I am suprised that at 47, no one mentioned that you might need HRT. You might consider using it. Start low and go slow, something like a estradiol patch, and see how you feel. It doesn't work well for everyone, but it might be just the thing you need to feel more normal.
Good luck
liz85864 gailannie
Hi there
I'm still 46, 47 in October !!! I have been on HRT, I was on a gel, but it stopped working - I'm now on an anti depressant which is apparently the new way to cure it...... I remain to be impressed though - been on it for 5 weeks now and still not sleeping or feeling better. I'm going back to the Dr's next week so will ask about the patch - my mom suggested that as well.
Does it get any better?!!!!!