hysteroscopy results say have to repeat the whole procedure again.

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Hhi allI

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    hi Susan 

    dont think your message is showing 😏

    jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi Jay ,see every female still on going probs ,new ones joining every day .

         Hope your doing better ? I seem to be picking up the winter bugs ,sat with the shivers then boiling hot ,daughter bad all last week ,same thing ,think that's what I had coming on me last week .Her in laws came over from Spain 2weeks ago ,they were both laid low with this bug ,so you be wary out there ,had your fair share of late .Mar xx

    • Posted

      Hi marlene 

      Oh dear .. You dont want bugs.. Not from your flu jab is it? That can give you the shivers etc sometimes a few days after.. 

      Where are the inlaws from in spain - other side i am guessing , alicante side, 

      Well i hope you all feel better soon .. Not nice 

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      They think they came over here with it ,not sure ,but then my girl got it week later ,she's still rough,I've been rough since Friday .Had flu jab on Saturday ,but I wasent sparky prior ,so maybe that's what done it .Chemist said whole lot going around here,sickness and the dreaded D ,and it's only this early in start of winter ,Great Bloody Great .  Something else amongst everything else ,ain't it the pits .Got sore mouth ,tinnitus high ,allergies ,plus all the below going on ,and the IBS .now this bug on top ,loading up on paracetamol ,and just water ,flush it out .Plus staying away from folk .

          Yea they are other side to where you are in Spain. They went back Friday .Think both lost weight from the bug to ,so my girl said .look like they had .

           Wait now see if hubby and son in law get it ,but hubby's taken paracetamol as soon as our girl got unwell.i did to .

         So you takecare ,don't get by any sneezers .xxxx

       don't see Dottie anywhere ?

    • Posted

      Hi marlene 

      Whats the dreaded D?

      Planes breeding ground for germs and bugs 😳

      Dont go on any myself at present .. 

      Haha i avoid everyone with tissues, sneezers i hold my breath and scarper.

      😀 hope u pick up soon.. 

      No .. Dottie not been on 


    • Posted

      Diariahea ? Can't spell it .Brains haggled .

         Yes people don't wash hands enough ,pass bugs on to everyone ,little they care ,selfish sods .Same with shopping baskets and trolleys .Right germ carriers alone .

        I've walked away from shoppers who don't look to healthy ,got to after that virus I got 9 yrs ago ,which set me off down this track ,and still not been well since .

          Wonder what up with Dottie ? Unlike her ,hope she's okay .Maybe our vibes will reach her .xxx

    • Posted

      hi Marlene.

      i always use my tiny handbag size hand sanitiser after touching trolleys etc if i am not able to wash my hands after shopping..

      door handles too ... Yak ... Especially in toilets i always pull the door high up never where everyone else pulls the handle, i always wash my hands after a visiting the ladies, and others go to the loo and walk straight out ... ' disgusting' 

      maybe dottie feels sooooo good she hasnt got time to be on here 😊


      enjoy the afternoon

      jay xx


    • Posted

      Few years ago I was in ladies loo,stood washing hands a woman came out of cubical and went to walk straight out ,I shouted hey there's water here ,she was embarrassed ,3 others said to me good for you ,but hey Jay that woman still went on her merry way with germ filled hands.

        There the B s who don't pick anything up  just likes of me ,do I get wound up over it ,me now sat crooked again ,Sod's law hey .

         I use those sanitise sprays ,keep one in the car .

         So unlike Dottie to be out of the picture ,miss her cheek xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Marlene 

      tell me about it, i lived in middle east for three years, watched everything i ate, bottled water etc etc 

      and i contracted amoebic dysentry .. for 10 months ... was very very ill... 

      had a parasite in my gut that when it was killed by medication, the eggs it had laid then hatched and started again,  parasite after parasite.. Vicious circle it was ..

      those poor people and children in the third world countries live with this ( well not for long) its a killer and they have no medicine... I cant bare to think of the agony they life with and have no help .. No cure for them...

      Had to get liver checks every year after that disease ... Its the worst illness i have ever had in my life, i was calling out in pain and i have high pain threshold, in hospital on drips every other week ...

      i flew back to uk while still suffering for a family christmas visit i was so unwell...  and needed more medictaion to last me for my visit, the doc i saw said i dont know anything about this illness ?? We maybe get 2 cases of it a year in the uk... I said well heres the boxes of the meds i need ... 

      My god ... What a farce ..

      jay xx

    • Posted

      What a bummer was that ,to make you that ill and for so long ,yea not something you'd ever forget ,same as me know ,looking at what that virus done to me.People who don't contract things got no idea how ill people get ,these days I tell the sods keep your own germs to bloody self ,not in quiet voice either Jay .Dont give a sod at my age .Shame them I say .

          I was okay all time I lived abroad ,nothing ,watched what I ate etc and yes I didn't drink there water out of tap .

          Lots say they've been told IBS ,but lots say it's not ,so another question if not meno related  is it candida in females and men giving them these symptoms ,so many these days with that ,and trying to clear it themselves .

         Right carry on all round these days ,nobody's getting better ,and new ones on these sites everyday.

       Did you ever get that back ,can it lay dormant like the shingles virus ? .

    • Posted

      hi Marlene 

      no the illness doesnt return .... I wont even go into greater details of how you contract it...  Basically its from dirty water, swallowing an egg of a parasite from humun excretia ... Maybe from crops that are watered by raw water, sewage, and they get tucked in lettuce etc.... As a guess...

      yes ... Thrush ... Well women can treat by the otc treatments, but men also need the cream on them, or the women get it back .. And start again with symtoms and treatment,,, its yeast not an STD but it can be passed back and forth ..


      jay xx


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