I am 23 and in menopause since 5 years now and it sucks
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Hi everyone,
i am Sandra and I am a cancer patient. Since I am 18 years old i live with ovarian cancer. In two big operations they took out both of my ovaries and my uterus. Till I was 18, i did a lot of sport and had a grateful life, my life was just easy. But after the diagnose and all the therapie which included chemo my life changed complety. My body got to fight with the symptomes of menopause, sometimes I get nearly unconscious by heat waves. The last five years i went through hell. Now five years later I have hard depressions, a lot of anxiety and it comes and goes, I cant control it. I lost half of my hair, my skin looks like i smoked for 30 years, my emotions run wild, when i do sport i cry but i dont know why. I cry a lot. And everyday it feels like it gets worse and worse. I dont know what to do. I am hopeless because of all this feelings. I tried different ways of hormon replacement therapie and now i use Estrifam 2 mg. From all medis it works a little against the heat waves. Since two month I eat vegan and it helps a lot!! I dont want pity, I just need to tell someone because my friends dont know what I am talking about. If you ladies may have any ideas or natural therapie experiences or encouraging words, I would be thankful.
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jude84900 heysandri
Hi Sandra,
Sorry to hear what you have been through. Not sure where you live or what you have available near you. Have you heard of hormone pellets? If you have a holistic or alternative dr in your area they could probably help you out and get you what hormones your body needs to start feeling better. I'm a lot older than you and in menopause and do pellets regularly. Keeps my estrogen and testosterone where it needs to be so I can enjoy life. Many drs do the pellets now, they get inserted under the skin in the buttocks every 3-4 months. If you can afford to go this route i would highly recommend it. IF you cannot afford it I would still try to find a dr well versed in this area. Your local pharmacy can probably help to locate a dr that does bio identical hormone replacement and get you on the right track. Good luck!
heysandri jude84900
Hi Jude,
thank your for your reaction. Its a good idea. Yesterday I searched a little andits hard to find drs doing that, but I will be on it and call the doctors and talk to them. Maybe they can give me more information about it.
juanita93228 heysandri
l'm so sorry you are going thru this at such a young age. First prayer helps. But also try mediation. Put tumeric in your food. It helps with anxiety and inflammation. I have also heard that evening primrose oil and ashwagandha helps. God bless you. I hope this helps.
heysandri juanita93228
Hello Juanita,
I will try the evening orimrose!! Thank you
rachel54558 heysandri
I am 29 old who has early menopause too. i dont think any herbal remedies will help. i have difficulty with HRT too. The side effects for me can be awful. Unfortunately we need some from of HRT to protect our hearts and bones from the lack of sex hormones because we too young to not have them. I am currently on Tibolone 2.5mg . its best i found so far for side effects but still not great. I know how hard it can when you the only one of your friend experiencing this and for me its been hard as my mother is going through menopause at same time as me. The crying is the worse i start and don't even know why. Hope this helps.
heysandri rachel54558
Omg, youre the first person near my age. My mom goes trough this also. These are strange things in life. The most bad thing is the crying. It just comes and it feels like i am dying. i dont want to go outside or talk to someone, it just stops me from living life. in the past i tried a lot of different HRT like Lenzetto, Gynokadin or Sisare. They all didnt work for my body. Its just horrible.
Thank you
rachel54558 heysandri
I personally can deal the menopause stuff the hot flushes and needing to pee all the times. I just hate the crying when i take HRT. I know this is not good advice but i just keep pushing past the crying so i can enjoy my life. Its so hard some days but i don't want to not enjoy myself. I find diet and exercise helps a little though i had to get a personal trainer.
mary27278 heysandri
Oh dear my heart goes out to you. If you dont mind me asking, how did you find out your diagnosis?
heysandri mary27278
When I was 18 I had my period for four month continously and I had a lot stomach pain. The docotr tried to help with medis but it didnt help. So I went to hospital for a gastroscopy. They drs saw a lot of adhesions an cut them. Between my bladder abd uterus, they found it. The cancer was so rare no one has seen it before and so they took me to a professor who is specialized on gynecological oncology. He operated me and my cancer and he found outmy cancer was only 64 times recorded in all time. So I was 18, had one of the rarest tumors in the world and now one knows what to do. So they cut everything out in two big operations and got chemotherapiy and now here I am. But now I have bad adhesions again, I can feel it when i move.
sheila38495 heysandri
I am so sorry that you are so young my darling and have to suffer menopause symptoms . For me its the most horrible thing I had to go through. My advice to you is to speak to your doctor about HRT. You most definitely need hormone therapy to protect your heart, bones and brain. I am really surprised they have not put you on HRT. Thats why you feel so emotional. Menopause is when your body does not produce the hormones it requires to function so it becomes confused and therefore you have all the symptoms. You also need Vitamin D which acts like a hormone to help your bones. Calcium and magnesium are also important. Good luck and GOD BLESS.
heysandri sheila38495
Thank you!
liz28780 heysandri
I think you are doing all you can and just want to send my love to you(not pity). To go through this at such a young age puts my problems into perspective. You are amazing ๐งก๐