I am 54, I have been taking livial for two years plus, g...
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I am 54, I have been taking livial for two years plus, gone off twice , because I was worried about the potential risks. I started to take it to relieve my menopause symptoms (waking up at odd hours, feeling sleepy at odd hours, tiredness, hot flushes) I have found it to be very good, i sleep better and feel very well. When I went off it I had such terrible feelings of shortness of breath once that i ended up thinking I was having a heart attack. So i went back on it.
I am quite active and have not put on weight, eat all I fancy and make sure that there is variety in my diet. (I love chocolates, peanut butter, cookies and pastries, sugar in my coffee, the odd junk meal!) I have not put on weight other than when I overdo the goodies or if I am on holiday with the family!! My husband cooks and he is so sood!!!
Livial has been good, no side effects at all !! I am grateful to my doctor for recommending it. Hope it will not have any side effects in the future.
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I never wanted to use HRT but asked my GP about taking it due to the fact I suffer with lichen sclerosus of the vulva - I thought HRT might help with the symptoms of this incurable skin condition and my GP agreed. I'm hoping for improvement in 'quality of life' over risks.
I'll keep updating - with good news I trust.
Pammy1111 Guest
I was wondering how you are doing on your HRT and whether it had been of any help with your LS?
I am looking for any info on this as I have had LS for several years now and my Gp has recommended HRT for help with the skin of the vulva. Should I try it?
joanne55511 Pammy1111
I hope I have the same good experience with Lival which I have just stated taking.[/b:60f3df15e7]
Bev50 Guest