I am feeling so scared at the moment can anyone help
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Hi i am new to this forum i am post menopause have not had period for 3 years
but symptoms seem to be never ending. I have been through probably most
of the symptoms mentioned, dizziness ,flushing, internal tremors, the list goes on.
But the one that is scaring me the most is the fluttering in chest and rapid heart rate.
I ended up in er twice last month where they did ecg twice and bloods which were
all ok. But I can' t seem to calm down when i get this. It feels like a bubbling or flip
sometimes from the stomach upwards. Does anyone else have this am looking for some
reassurance. Can't face talking to any more docs. I have terrible health Anxiety.
2 likes, 25 replies
hopeforever eleni1960
Hello Elina and welcome to the club. Two yrs ago i had the symptoms you mentioned very bad. Now they have calmed down. I totally understand your concern regarding your heart. That was one symptom that made me feel crazy. Yesterday i woke up to stiff right shoulder today my right side of face feels wired. I am having high anxiety at the moment trying to calm down. You are not alone
What you are feeling are symptoms of peri/meno. Its normal believe it or not. I find that the more i freak out , the symptoms escalades to new levels. Try to calm down. I just turned on a movie and made some tea. Hoping that this all calms within an hr. Dr's are of no use. I am so done with them. You have come to the right place. This forum is everything to me. A place were brings peace to my worrying mind. We are here for you. Hugs
eleni1960 hopeforever
Thank you for your replies. I'm usually able to deal with most symptoms
telling myself that they will pass but for some reason this one just knocks
me down, I think because i convince myself there is something wrong with
my heart which is scary.
jaynie08827 eleni1960
i started all this crap a year ago 2 years after no period!!! it was bad for months then subsided a little now back with a vengence. yes the heart thing is very scary as well as feeling like im not breathing..i am constantly woke up with these rushes and weird feeling in my head night sweatd racing heart skipping or more lije tumbling heart..the lust goes on. it makes being awake dreadful at times...i try to do what i can when i feel somewhat ok then i just focus on other things when its bad. and i agree this forum has helped me so much im grateful to all u women on here who share ur struggles it helps to kniw whst im going through isnt just me..hang in there as they say. prayers going out for u ....
kelly3120 eleni1960
hi. i was having the same exact issue a year ago and my heart rate was actually running in the 90 constantly which was elevating my anxiety that i already had anyway. i went to see my cardiologist and he put me on 50mg of Metoprolol a beta blocker and i havent had any issues with that since. not only did it take care of the heart rate but it also decreased some of my anxiety. yes i still get panic attacks and moments when my anxiety is high but my heart rate doesnt shoot up anymore and make it worse. its worth mentioning to the doctor. good luck and feel better. were all in this together
Sassyr12a eleni1960
Hello Eleni
Yes I've had this too, seems most of us have unfortunately. I got it really bad last year where it was like a missing heartbeat then followed by rapid beats . I kinda knew it was hormone related or my anxiety but I had one time where it seemed to last forever and that scared me. I went to the hospital too and everything was fine, they put it down to hormones/thyroid but it's really hard to ignore when it happens so I'm not surprised it's making you worry. Obviously we are all different, but if and when it happens now, I just remind myself that my bloods and heart are fine and it will pass. It's not nice but it seems the more I worry the more it happens xx
dev77856 eleni1960
I’m so sorry you’re going through this but rest a sure many of us including myself have had all your symptoms. I’ve been to 10 different doctors for the internal tremors the shaking and feeling like I’m gonna faint dizziness shaky anxiety you name it. If you want to take something there are different types of medications that will help control all of it pick your poison if it’s your heart you’re worried about maybe something for that because that also seems to work on other things if you want to go more natural like me I take magnesium powder and I mix it with water whenever I’m having episode but I take it mostly at night. I’d love to go in bio denticle her moans but I’m worried about stroke
Guest eleni1960
I was the same, and even went for a whole cardiac workup.. stress test, holter monitor, etc.. at a cardiologist.
Everything was normal. I'm glad I had it done. If it gives you peace of mind, have it done.
sakura26 eleni1960
I think the biggest problem we all face is that doctors don't acknowledge that these are peri and meno symptoms and have no idea how to help or just don't care. If you had a doctor that said yes this is normal for meno and here are some ways I can help you it would make a big difference and prob calm you if not give relief. It disgusts me that female doctors are no better. Sorry you are going through this. We are all in it with you. You are not alone. Hugs.
jaynie08827 sakura26
yes i had 2 female drs tell me yes if ur no longer havong a period ur hormones are low one female dr just said sorry i cant give u a quick fix .when i tried to explain my symptoms i was clearly told it wasnt menapause symptoms and referred to a psyche...there is no help i had the last dr prescribe gabepentin??? really??? i dont have nerve damage i have lack of hormones!!! it took forever for drs to admit that women had pms and it was real..now how long to admit that for some of us menapause is hell..hang in there...
staci88515 eleni1960
Honestly, I go back and forth wondering if I actually have perimenopause symptoms or just anxiety. There is a lot of overlap. Sometimes, I want to believe it's peri because then it isn't "all in my head." With that said, it doesn't matter what is causing the symptoms because either way, they are very real. I hope you feel better! xo
sakura26 staci88515
Peri and meno anxiety are real. There are studies that show it's one of the first major symptoms. And your hormones impact your sense of calm, ability to sleep and your well being. It's not in our heads.
staci88515 sakura26
Sure, and there are millions of women without those symptoms. We all complain how bad our symptoms are compared to others we know. And, nearly every poster here mentions they have anxiety. I know my symptoms are much worse when I have anxiety. I also had severe anxiety in my 20's well before perimenopause. You know what my symptoms were in my 20's? Every single symptom listed on this forum minus wonky periods and blurry vision. Also, if you re-read my post, I used "I" several times. Just because it's not your experience doesn't mean it isn't mine.
sakura26 staci88515
I'm not sure what you're saying. I'm just tired of doctors discounting women who truly have increased anxiety due to hormonal issues which is a real thing for many folks. And yes some women have no symptoms like my own mother. Sorry to have offended you.
Guest staci88515
Staci, I got to that point as well, in fact I decided to see a psychiatrist because I just wasn't sure that it was all not anxiety/depression causing so many symptoms as nothing was showing up on tests. The concierge doctor I was seeing at the time made me feel like it was, as well as several other specialists (however I think the concierge had labeled me before sending me off to see other doctors).
The psychiatrist I went to see happened to be a woman my age and when I sat down at her desk she turned a little fan on herself (for hot flashes!). Perfect..
Anyway, after evaluating me, she said that she felt that my symptoms were not from anxiety/depression and that it was a combination of hormones and something like reactivated EBV (from my immune system being weakened due to falling hormones in meno). Now at this point I had seen no less than 10 specialists trying to figure out what was wrong with me and this was the first doctor to to tell me something like this. I called the concierge jerk and requested the testing, I'm sure he was rolling his eyes at my request. But to his complete surprise the test came back positive for reactivated EBV.
I do think that perimeno really screws with our brains and bodies. And I do think that I definitely had anxiety/depression issues, how can you not when all these crazy symptoms start hitting you at once and you don't know why? But what causes what is the question, but peri is definitely at the root of it all.
sakura26 Guest
Suzanne makes an excellent point. Peri may start the anxiety but then because you don't feel well you become more anxious about your health so it's a bit of a vicious cycle. And if you had any kind of anxiety issue or tendency before peri that just makes it worse. But it doesn't discount that peri and unbalanced hormones are exacerbating things.
staci88515 sakura26
You both are saying the same thing...you have anxiety. I'm not sure why this is a conversation. I said that "I" am unsure if I have peri symptoms or anxiety. Me, not everyone on this forum. If you think peri is the root of all your symptoms, that's you. I went into a spiral after I had my first migraine aura. My "peri" symptoms were so bad, I lost everything. I was having severe panic attacks every day. I recognized that many of my symptoms were exactly the same as in my 20's. So, I got myself together and went back to work and stopped being afraid. Guess what? 90% of my "peri" symptoms disappeared. Do I still have symptoms related to peri, of course. Did it help to admit to myself that it was mostly anxiety and anxiety can be cured, ABSOLUTELY.
I just had another migraine aura after being free of them for some time. I instantly had a intense panic attack since they frighten me. Low and behold, a week later, I am suffering from anxiety again every day. So, instead of going on a futile search for HRT, evening primrose, magnesium, etc., I am going to focus on working on my anxiety because it is the one thing I can control and I know without a doubt that it will make me feel better. The original post said, "I have terrible health anxiety." So, I chose to address that instead of just saying, "Me too."
jaynie08827 staci88515
staci. i too have had severe anxiety for a very long time and it has gotten 1000x worse since this. and yes the anxiety does make oyr symptoms worse cyz our heart rate elevates palpitations all that ..what i found very upsetting eas when i went to my drs here all of them and the damn nurses said anxiety is not a part of menapause. what a crock!!!! i think and i say " i" menapause makes our already exsisting symptoms worse. how do drs expect our bodys to react when we are missing the hormones and estrogen that keep our mind body heart all that working correctly?? i googled what hormones control and they are very important ..i myself dont understand why this happens to us..that are suffering badly and why others who also are hormone free dont go through it bad. hang in there.
Guest staci88515
Staci, I only responded to you because you weren't sure if your issues were anxiety or peri based and I was letting you know I had gone thru similar.
My guess is it's peri for you because you sound a little hormonal. lol!! JUST KIDDING!
Seriously, I am.
sakura26 staci88515
Staci, if you found something that helps you, that's great. And maybe your experience and approach will help someone else who has a similar situation as that seems like your intent, to help others. I think some of us are just in different situations and frustrated at doctors not taking us seriously. Sorry if that came off the wrong way. We all just want to help each other and personally I'd like to feel less crazy and alone. 😃