I am now 'that' person.....

Posted , 9 users are following.

I've worked in offices since the age of 18, I am now 45.  There was always a woman in the office, usually an Office Manager type, who was constantly stressed, angry, irritated, flushed, sweaty, unapproachable, lacked humour, spare tyre around the middle, aged 40+......you get the picture!  In my teens, 20s and 30s, I would avoid this woman like the plague!  I have now come to the stark realisation that I am now THAT woman and I wonder how this crept up on me?  😂.  I also appear to have completely lost my sense of humour.  If anyone finds it, please return to me a,s.a.p!!!!

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    LOL!  Your sense of humour is still there, and very evident in this post, perhaps you are being too hard on yourself smile

    Soon enough however you will be that angelic older woman that everyone is drawn to for wisdom and kindness.  No worries, these are all just stages of life I think.  At present I am not all that social either, and waiting anxiously for the angelic stage of life  smile

    • Posted

      Please tell us how you can keep so positive going through this nightmaresmile

      Like Suze I use to go to work with a big smile, Co workers loved to be around me i've made everyone laugh!!! Now I forgot when was the last time I laughed not the fake one but the one reach your eyes and you feel it in your gutsmile I so want my life back ...

    • Posted

      LOL!  I guess I learned young to keep my happy mask on...but really, it could be worse.  My husband went from being a bland self centered guy who pretty much left me on my own most times, to a supportive and pretty wonderful guy once i started this phase of life and started getting annoyed to the point of not just letting things slide, so it isn't all bad, lol!  He even eats what I make for dinner now...that in itself is a miracle.  I should have been menopausal at 20...bahahaha!  He actually tries to please me now.  It only took twenty five years!

      There are blessings in this if we look hard enough :P

    • Posted

      LOL..my husband I think he is scared of me !! He probably thinks if he complains about food I will put him on the wall and start throwing knifes at himsmile what I dont like is when he start asking me if I'm mad, if he did something wrong..how can I answer his questions !!

    • Posted

      I like that attitude 'There are blessings in this if we look hard enough'.  I vow to start looking straight away! ;-)

  • Posted

    Suze I'm there with you!

    I use to work with such women also and keep wondering how a person could carry so much miserysmile now I know how... the other day my daughter pointed out how much I changed..it hurts to hear it..I want to change, I want my old me backsmile

  • Posted

    This is my life too.....short fuse, no tolerance of anything. Tearful at the slightest thing. I came home from work a few weeks ago to find my daughter had spent day blitzing the house. Did she get any thanks??.....nope, I just moaned at her for placing a brand new chopping board on the worktop!!! Please, please don't let this horrid phase last too long!!!

  • Posted

    Ha! Another Suze with a kitty avatar.😁. Yes it was funny at the time - not so funny now.

    I'm lucky I have a husband who understands I can't help it - still calls me 'Mrs Meldrew' and says 'having a rant dear?'

    I also have friends in the same position and we talk freely about it. It helps.

    The other day I was chatting to our neighbour's sister, who works in the newsagents. I made a comment about 'my own personal heatwave' and a lady in the queue behind me said something and it snowballed until there were half a dozen 'ladies of a certain age' in fits of laughter and several bemused men and younger women.😂

    I think I'm also developing Tourette's. I just blurt out what's on my and, you know, I don't care HA HA! Suck it up people, I'm loud, I'm proud and I'm menopausal!

    Now I think I'll lie down in a dark room for a while.

    • Posted

      ..... on my MIND the word is mind - and I'm losing mine.

    • Posted

      Oh, that my me laugh out loud!  I totally have developed Tourette's as well.  I've probably sworn twice in my life, but these days it's F'ing this and F'ing that.  I can't believe some of the things that come out of my mouth some days!  I shock myself 😂😂🤐

    • Posted

      Do you find yourself shouting at the telly? My husband finds it very amusing while I sit there - 'you dozy xxxx, you're talking complete and utter xxxx!'

      Foul-mouthed, yes, but it releases SO much pent up rage! Just don't do it in public!

    • Posted

      I shout at the tele, the radio, the Internet, the cats!  I swear under my breath at the supermarket, Zumba classes, swimming etc.  When did EVERYONE become so annoying?  It's not me of course, it's everyone else! LOL.  On a serious note, I am getting so annoyed with everything my husband does, I am seriously thinking of moving out.  Think I'm safer on my own!

    • Posted

      Hang in there girl. Being on your own could be a whole lot worse!
  • Posted

    Omgosh! This post and the responses cracked me up! I soooo needed the laugh....thank you ladies. Suze I know exactly how you feel. I am "that" woman too ugh! This hormone imbalance stuff is for the birds! They say we will get through this one day.....until then keep reading and posting on this site. Btw your sense of humor is still there and I thank you for sharing it with us smile Have a great day!

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