I am so tired.

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i am so tired these days, I am yawning away at work and could sleep at the drop of a hat! Does anyone else feel like this and what do you do about it, if anything?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi ruth i all so get tierd afternoons are bad for me i do take vitaminB complex and floradax tablets.has helped a little

    take care

    paula x

  • Posted

    Go get your bloods done to see if you are anemic or have a tyhroid problem. I ignored my tiredness for years then discovered I was serverly amemic when changed Dr's who did a routine blood test as a new patient. Another sign is if you get breathless after going up the stairs. I just thought I was unfit. 
  • Posted

    Yes at times I do feel this way I just sleep it off until I feel better. Plus I am on meds so that has a lot to do with it too
  • Posted

    Hello ruth

    Tiredness?..well, yesterday for instance, I felt like a zombie.  Yawning non-stop, feeling of fatigue and heavy-headedness!  Fortunately, I am retired, but still suffer menopause symptoms.  I decided to go to bed in the middle of the day for about an hour, but then had to go shopping.  Felt the same for the rest of the day.  Terrible, restless night, but today 80% better. Fingers crossed.  I think it is due to fluctuating hormones!

    Good Luck.

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