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I am also curious. Do many of you also suffer from IBS?

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    I do yes:( among a lot of other things. I dont even know if im in peri im just assuming because im 48 and everything im suffering from that i am but there are times where i wonder if its stress, nutrition deficiencies and gut health that then is made worse with the hormones. Or are hormones to blame idk its like what came first the chicken or the egg, for me 😃

  • Posted

    I trade off with Ibs and IBD.

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    yes i do its got worse in menopause like a whole list of other things, ive just had 4 days of diahhoreah, then constipation with chronic bloating and pain, headaches too, awful

    • Posted

      Yes I hear you on the headaches too. I have long suffered from migraines but now it's just unbelievable. When I do get a period which lasts less than a day I will get a headache and bad cramps for a week before and then the headache is still there for a week after. Really makes it hard to want to do anything when you have a headache for 2 weeks doesn't it? I wonder if hormone pills will help but cannot afford any more weight gain . I will try some of the natural methods that some of the other women have suggested before going that route I guess....

  • Posted

    i had to give up all artificial sweeteners. they are in everything. i have to read all labels. no diet soda no sugar free ANYTHING. most protein bars and protein drinks have fake fillers and fake sweeteners. some of them cause diarreha others cause bloating and constipation.

    you will be shocked how much better you feel if you eliminate all fake foods.

    good luck.

  • Posted

    Yes I do, one minute diarrhoea then the next minute constipation. I get stomach cramps too. The fun never ends with menopause.

  • Posted

    YES! Used to suffer occasionally and mildly but since meno so many new things now set it off. I too am about 12 years post meno.

  • Posted

    My IBS-D began right when i started peri,, Have D everyday but I also have Hashimotos so this also makes everything worse,,, My stomach pain is off the charts usually lasts 4-6 hours when it flares right in the middle of my stomach and have to hold a heating pad on the hole time,,, Good luck hun but you know the hormone thing,,,

  • Posted

    Yes I do, I have been for about 7 years now. I have been trying to cope with it by using a Non-Fodmap food list of what not to eat. However no one will tell me to not eat pizza. Every pizza place puts mozzarella cheese on it and I can not not eat it. The cheese gives me gas and bad poo. I could make my own but I don't have the patience for cooking.


    • Posted

      So glad you mentioned that. Had one of my worst IBS days ever yesterday and when remembering back to what I had eaten the day before my son had made homemade pizza with extra mozzarella on top. Not a coincidence??

  • Posted

    Hi I wrote that I use the non-fodmap diet for IBS. It's the low-fodmap diet not non.


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