I don't know what to do please someone should help me.
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i am going through low energy, some days i don't even have strength at all, when i sleep, i suddenly wake up feeling like i will faint and i noticed that my bp suddenly drops. i am experiencing a lot, i had one parathyroid removed last year and i went for check yesterday only to discover that the pth level is high but with normal calcium level. please someone should assure me that it will pass some days its like am weak in my heart, but i have done all heart text which came out normal. i am 47 years still seeing my period but very light. I need your prayers, i want to find peace i need my old self back and can give anything to have it back. i sweat every day and especially at night and at the same time very cold. i am tired i need peace. i Don't know how to explain it all but its terrible i have experienced almost all the symptoms. God help me.
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Gypsy014 chinye28443
Hi i I have hashimotos and rheumatoid arthritis both diagnosed while going through this peri menopause .. I get weak faint feeling also as well as I have low blood pressure and cold cold cold all the time and night sweats I'm not a sweater at all if that makes sense but do get them night sweats monthly for a few nights in a row.. peri menopause can make all your thyroid symptoms much much worse and vise versa, so on the days depending if I'm ovulating don't know because of hysterectomy (but still have ovaries) my symptoms can be much worse.. and on top of it these symptoms make you feel like you are dying anyways let alone add autoimmune issues on top.. so really no magic pill no nothing just have to ride the wave each month with your symptoms, I can suggest looking into low histamine diet and any kind of diet that is good for the thyroid since now your at the age for peri and thyroid symptoms together is quite a storm, I know been in it good now since 45 and I'm 49 now..definitely have had symptoms before 45 but 45 was the magic bomber that it hit hard.. so just read up on those thyroid foods lots of foods believe it or not can make this all so much worse.. good luck ❤
Gypsy014 chinye28443
that one sentence was suppose to say number not bomber ha ha but funny bomber fit so well.. I don't know these phones spell whatever sometimes..
Sgt.lindalee Gypsy014
The Bomber spell check error was great...lol 45 IS the magic bomber!! Made me laugh🥰
Sgt.lindalee chinye28443
Hi Chinye, It sounds like your blood pressure may be low in the morning(something you should try to monitor) or it could be your blood sugar is low in the morning after not eating for hours(something also to monitor with maybe a fast blood sugar test) so, when you first wake up, lay there, then prop up a bit, then sit up, wait to be sure you are feeling okay before you stand up, positional changes can effect your blood pressure in some people, esp. if it is low) The thyroid, para-thyroid, different hormone imbalances and age related peri & full menopause can really do a number on you both physically and mentally....try getting your para-thyroid within normal limits, check the OTHER things like hemoglobin, blood sugar & etc...sometimes it helps to have repeat bloodwork, as it can change and may not always be the same(normal/abnormal) levels...ask your Dr. how to obtain that goal, if it is something causing symptoms, they should have no problems doing some more routine testing...then, if its female hormone issues, talk to your DR to see what options you have, it will depend on any pre-existing, family history of medical conditions, there are topicals, bio-identicals, birth control pills/HRT, patches & natural remedies for symptoms, run it by your DR. before ALWAYS....As a PREVENTATIVE, ASAP...honestly the BASICS are something people overlook sometimes...if you can eat well, ask your Dr if a multi-vitamin can help, also...you can be anaemic(low iron, even a little can cause fatigue) stay hydrated, avoid caffeine, get regular exercise(it helps regulate blood pressure), sleep the best you can, maybe a nap is in order sometimes...de-stress and take time for yourself, take a hot bath, do yoga, go for a walk, dance & listen to music, do naked cleaning(just kidding, it sounded funny but, it could cause problems with the neighbours lol, I am a bad role model) the point is keeping your mind relaxed, busy, so you avoid things like anxiety, which can cause all sorts of symptoms and add to your misery....work with your Dr. to get test results that help rule things in/out...if talking helps, chat up friends or make new ones, lots of people here to talk to including me ANYTIME, hope you can get back to feeling better or at least get some symptoms controlled, Praying for you if that okay & BEST WISHES💒🎶🐾🌈🍀☮♾💞💐🥰
chinye28443 Sgt.lindalee
Thank You so much for your advice. i will try all of it. This whole stuff is crazy. i am on vit d, and calcuim to balance my parathyroid homone. Dr said my vit D is low. i trust God in all of this.
Beverlys1 chinye28443
I also have hashimotos along with all the scary peri symptoms,,, I will prey for you... I have constant hot flashes right now about 3 per hour.. when this happens I feel like I will throw up,, or have go to the bathroom in my pants or both... I am exhausted constantly from this with extreme panic attacks, can think straight cant remember the day before,, contant spotting and dont know why!!IT IS ALL SO VERY SCARY!! My hugs go out to you dear,, try to keep smiling and remember this is all natural and is supposed to end... I HOPE❤
P.S. I know this is old and I hope you and others are feeling better!!!
serena11274 chinye28443
just a thought have you had thyroid checked, i think im in early menopause and have alot of the symptons you listed but also have underactive thyroid so these symptons can overlap?
im 44 and still see period but very light 2 days and gone
rachel54558 serena11274
I am been diagnosed with early menopause from Premature ovarian failure by my doctors at 24 . i am now 29 . it only considers early menopause if it happens before the age of 40 . Peri menopause can start any time around 40 i think. Hope this helps you.
chiqui27138 chinye28443
hang in there i am praying for you ❤