I Don’t Understand Menopausal Sickness!!
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Ok i just dont get it!! All these people who complain about being too fat and hungry during perimenopause and after menopause! My mom, my grandma, my aunts and my 2 best friends....they are all chubby since going through this and talk about having an appetite out of this world. Not to mention they are always on the go or doing something!! I dont understand this!! I have just finished a period (after 6 months of not having one) I have NO energy, I feel so low and depressed (i tried antidepressants 4 times over the past 6 years they made me sicker) I have no appetite and cant eat, hell during my actual period i was even throwing up!! I weigh a mere 93 pounds for heavens sake! I was looking at old photos of myself and i just cry! I dont recognize this sickly pale thin skeleton looking back at myself. I want to eat so bad i miss food!! But im never hungry, my gut and stomach gurgle like its rolling with seasickness all the time, it hasnt growled for food in years. I feel like i am dying, this is cruel torture. My thyroid and everything is fine...i just dont understand why everyone i know seems to sell through this garbage but it is killing me! They think im either nuts or have an eating disorder which i dont!I have almost all of the 60+ symptoms of menopause and there is no end in sight...yes i tried hormone replacement and like the antidepressants it made me sicker! I just need to vent this out i just want to scream!!
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lisa95354 Guest
Hello Brandy, sorry you’re having such a difficult time. Whatever you do, do not compare yourself or your symptoms to other people because it will make you absolutely lose your mind. Everybody finds this very frustrating when others don’t have the difficult symptoms and quite honestly I don’t know how it’s possible. When your body is running on a 1/4 of the hormones that used to have there’s no way it’s not affecting you. A lot of people that, are not in touch with their feelings or their bodies. Have you tried a natural path, if you have not I would strongly suggest looking into a natural path. Also there are a lot of supplements out there that help greatly. do you take a probiotic, there are probiotics out there for mood I believe it’s called mood probiotic, a probiotic is extremely important to take because all of our health starts in our “gut." I also recently saw a menopausal supplement by the company NOW, which is a very good brand and there’s also an excellent brand out there by the name of OLLY. do you exercise, if you don’t, I suggest walking at least 2 miles a day, helps dramatically. You are not alone, so don’t ever feel that way 😉 sending blessings your way 😃
Guest lisa95354
Thanks so much for the reply! I do love walking but im afraid if i do i will lose even more weight and i cant afford to. Ive heard so many contradictory stories about the probiotics & natural supplements....to be honest im just afraid anything i do i will cause more harm than good. All i know is i feel so much more different than i did 8 years ago! Its like im living in a sickly declining body and i want out of it. I do that alot compare myself to others, & i do find myself getting so jealous! But you are so kind to try to help me and it feels good hearing you understand.
debbie12340 Guest
Hi Brandy,
So sorry to hear you're not feeling well at all ! I also feel like i've had all 66+ symptoms . . . it's pure hell !
I think anxiety will cause you to not feel hungry ? I know it does with me 😦
Can you possibly make yourself smoohties instead so it's like just having a drink ? You could add protein powder in and lots of fruit, I have one every morning
Deb x
Guest debbie12340
Hello Deb,
Oh yeah i definitly have anxiety along with this horrible affliction, but what us odd is i can tell the days i have anxiety sickness, i can manage smoothies which i have made and those high protein boost drinks, but on the hormonal days i cant stomach anything! It feels like the stomach flu without the diarrhea, i can barely even drink on those days. It lasts all day and its at least 4-5 days a week and then when the hormones relax a tad thats when the anxiety hits wondering how soon i have until it returns...what a vicious cycle thus is!
sara97862 Guest
Hi Brandy,
You are so wise, distinguishing between anxiety-ill and hormonal-ill.
I don't have any answers, but want you to know I understand, and am praying for your situation to get better.
Guest sara97862
Thanks Sara, i have been dealing with this so long i can very much tell the difference. I never vomit with the anxiety stomach but i always seem to with hormones if i push through and eat something. Its aggravating!!