I feel just awful, headache, exhaustion, aching all over, but why
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I have abandoned doing anything today as I feel just awful, , started to cry (again) at my friends house................................................
My job is difficult and demanding (long hours), too much stress, I try to pretend that I'm coping..................................................
I cant afford not to work and I'm on an HRT patch
Mrs Grumpy Merm
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natacha66 MrsMerm
Welcome to my world.
While in HRT life was bliss. Came off it becuse don't know what's wrong down below and I am suffering every symptom.
I sleep 5 hours per night, feel exhausted, moody and can't be arsed with any one or anything. Work is the only thing that keeps me going.
I cry for nothing and I feel I am falling into a depression again.
My man, well ex man left me 3 weeks ago and life has been weird.
I am angry cause no reason or had the decency of speaking to me face to face. Phone!! He did it over the phone.
I just wish I could sleep and never wake up.
I see my friends, I have plans for weeks to come nonetheless I feel numb and like a zombie.
Can't wait to go back on HRT.
Menopause is hard.
2chr2015 MrsMerm
I am sorry you are feeling this way today. I am having a rough one too. That's why I have been on here all day ..lol. I hope you have the day off to rest. I honestly get tired of resting, does that make sense? I feel like a waste of a human. Sorry I'm not helping. Just know you aren't alone today. I am currently sitting in a recliner gulping Gatorade and eating ramen noodles bc I feel weak and hoping this will give me some energy. ((Hugs)) I hope we both get to feeling better.
brendababy MrsMerm
What's wrong MrsMerm? What symptoms are upsetting you? Xx
maureen12052 MrsMerm
my bible study group this morning where I tried to
keep my train of thought. My right breast itched my
stop I had a migraine and blurred vision! I feel nauseous
and light headed! My body hurts all over!