I feel ugly bug ball

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I was just reading some parts of a discussion regarding ladies who've got hubbies (and they've got the dreaded perimenopause t'boot)....................

I really feel so sorry for you as this is one time in my life I don't want a man, by the way I'm still single................................................................

I am bloated like a beached whale, just can't keep the weight off no matter what I try, I'm hairy all over and like Fozzy bear and I'm greying at the gills!

It's just awful, I do hope that there are plenty guys with empathatic compassion for their wives dealing with this.

And, the worst thing is I feel that there are so many females who just never experience Perimeno/menopause PMT symptoms and think your flakey....

Well I suppose if I don't see the humerous side I'll crack up, 


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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, this sucks. I am going to see my obg next week. Discuss some options. Increased my antidepressant today. I feel better already. I am fourtunate to have a great husband. 
  • Posted

    Hi Dragon (i take it this is because of the angry moods) LOLfrown

    I'm so fed up of feeling tired all the time, really must start to do some exercise but where can I find some energy to do it, I find it difficult enough to do my job these days

    Sorry for such negativity, trying hard to stay postive,



    • Posted

      Hi Mrs Merm smile 

      My nick name is because I have several dragon tattoos, smile,  Haven't had many angry moods, more sad, depressed, anxious. 

      Started group therapy today for the first time. I've had private therapy only. I enjoyed the group, just three of us. Two more joining Monday. I feel good about this. 

      Was able to get an appointment for this coming Monday with OBG. They had a cancelation so I got in fast. I can't wait to discuss options for my hormones. 

      Thanks for your reply! 

      Karen smile 

  • Posted

    MrsMerm, be patient, I m sure that will pass, too. There is saying about bad things do not stand forever but I do not remember it anymore, LOL  lucky you got near menopause to have gray hair, mine started changed I was not even 30!!! My bad gens, probably :S 

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