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Yesterday I Felt a little like myself. TODAY has been horrible. Went to get a massage yesterday and today was bad. Low appetite, nausea, no energy, brain fog, head feels heavy, low back ache, depressed, blurred vision. I kinda feel like I did when I was pregnant 27 years ago but worse. I said to myself, there's NO WAY, menopause can be doing all of this until I come here and read the same symptoms from several ladies. I'm miserable! I am 52 and still peri because it hasn't been a full year since I at least spotted. I wrote my DR today to tell her I WANT an MRI of my head and back. This quality of life during this time SUCKS! I've cried a couple of times today and I don't know what else to do. I take my supplements which seem to help some days but today NOTHING kicked in. I HAVE TO HAVE A CHANGE AND FEEL BETTER!
4 likes, 8 replies
kelly55079 crystals51917
I agree it does suck. I usually feel like this around my period and that's when I don't have any expectations-- I just rest and only do the bare minimum. Hormones do this. Be good to yourself-- keep taking your supplements, stay hydrated and rest when you need too.. Try to do some gentle stretches for your back. Hopefully it will pass soon.
Jaynie12 crystals51917
i know how u feel..i get bouts where i feel sorta ok. then that night and all day it seems to have gotten worse..i like u do not understand how i was perfectly functional obe day then the next my world turned upside down...i jeep saying hormones cannot do this..i keep getting told to gang un there so im gonna pay it forwRd hang in there
crystals51917 Jaynie12
YES! This is the most craziest place to be as a woman. I'm so over it!!! I command that menopause give us our life back and leave us alone!!! Enough Already! Thank you for responding. I think talking to each other is so helpful. Thank you!
I think you are exactly right. They didn't know what they we're going through. lol! I'm so appreciative of this forum. It helps when I see other ladies experiencing the same and how we help each other pull through. THANK YOU!
kimberly96221 crystals51917
I'm on the same rollercoaster ride. I woke up yesterday, made breakfast and felt pretty ok. This morning woke up with such bad anxiety and feeling my heart beat out of my chest. My appetite gone again. Barely ate. My whole body aches and I'm so tired of crying. I did get the pellets a week ago so hoping in the next week or 2 I'll start to feel better. We all just have to hang in there and make the best out of our good days!😞
crystals51917 kimberly96221
Thank you so much! What makes us lose our appetite? I want to eat. I love eating. 😃 It gets so hard at times because I want to do all the fun things I used to do without aching and mind wandering. I sincerely appreciate all of you ladies! Love Ya'll!
kimberly96221 crystals51917
It's the anxiety that takes my appetite away. All the worrying that goes through my mind is horrible. My Dr. said its a fight or flight response our bodies go through and that affects our digestive system. Sharing with all you ladies is sure helping me get through this❤❤❤!!!
gerrygerry crystals51917
oh i am sorry to read it but also slightly thank you because even with bhrt i have felt dreadful these last weeks. i do think it goes in peaks and flows. hopefully this wave soon passes.