I had a hysterectomy when I was 48. I am now 63, noestrogen for 5 years could I be in menopause?

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Hot flashes, aches, can't sleep through the night, moody, can only do one thing a day and then must take a nap!

Can this be menopause? It's been15 years since my hysterectomy. I stop estrogen 5 years ago when I had cancer.

ALL the doctors say everything is fine and keep putting me on antidepressants are upping the one sleep already put me on. I'm so sick of being told that I'm depressed because I don't feel well. what would they say to a man, would he always be told he was depressed if he didn't feel good, no they would look for the reason. Anyway, could this be menopause so many years after the full hysterectomy?

Any info would be wonderful!


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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Sounds like the menopause to me! And yes i understand what you mean...they treat the symptoms not the cause. Im on antidepressants for anxiety and 5 mths later and horrible side effects theyre finally working. But i reckon hrt wouldve sorted the anxiety. We need estrogen to produce serotonin to feel good, estrogen drops in meno so we dont produce enough feel good serotonin and all hell breaks loose! So they treat with ADs which do eventually work if youre lucky, but equally HRT wouldve topped up the hormones needed to make serotonin, without the harsh side effects. Id been to the docs so many times n mentioned palpitations, dizziness, anxiety, panic attacks, joint pain, hot flushes, night sweats, bloated stomach n indigestion etc and asked, could they all be caused by the Meno? All id get was a shoulder shrug and another load of tests to worry about for all manner of nasty illnesses. I had to wait 13 mths after last period to test hormones for meno, by which time i was well into panic disorder and health anxiety. Why dont they test for the most obvious thing first? Lol. Hope you get some joy quicker than i did x
  • Posted

    Hi Nikki, well it does sound like as i have had some of these symptoms hot sweats anxiety no interest in anything etc. I am your age i've said this b4 on here, i was on HRT but had to stop them due to having a procedure. The thing is i just stopped them & by about the 6th week all my symptoms started to creep bk! I am on both estrogen & progesterone. All my results came bk fine. I am now bk on my HRT just kicking in very subtle. I feel so different when on Hrt i could not copewith those symptoms not being able to function as you should. Normally after a hysterectomy u go into an early menopause? my mum did? If i were you i would go see your Dr !


  • Posted

    YES!  I'm 60 and goingt through a HORRIBLE menopause to the point of barley getting through a day finding everyday task really hard to do. I have almost ALL 66 symptoms!  Why did you have to have a hystro so young? Did HRT cause your cancer?

    • Posted

      I had a hysterectomy because some abnormal cells were found.  I did not want to take a chance, and was not having more children.  I was on estragon all the years up to my Breast Cancer.  

      ​Although my cancer was Triple Negative and is not a estrogen cancer, my doctors wanted me off right away.

      ​Would menopause wait that long due to being on estrogen?

  • Posted

    Hi Nikki,

    I was 35 when I had a partial hysterectomy.  They basically took everything out except my overies (which generate hormones).  I'm now 50.  For the past year or so I've been having the same symptoms that you've described.  A few months ago I went to see my OB/GYN.  Blood results indicated that I was Post Menopausal.  I'm now taking estrogen (2mg) each day.  This has helped with the hot flashes, but I'm constantly tired, depressed, don't want to do anything anymore, don't want to be around people, etc...  I've been on anti-depressants for over 10 years now and they've worked great.  Now that my hormones are non-existant, I'm wondering if those anti-depressants aren't enough anymore.  My OB/GYN is reluctant to put me on the full hormones (estrogen and testosterone) because he said there is a high risk of blood clots, stroke, heart attacks, etc.  I'm not really sure what to do.  Do I up my anti-depressants?  Or do I take the estrogen and testosterone that is now missing?  Either one seems to have side affects.  But doing nothing is driving me and my husband crazy!! 

    Sorry, I just found this forum on Menopause and I have no one to talk tosad


    • Posted

      Kimberley, Nikki

      Are you on synthetic estrogen? Have you ever read about or considered bio identical hormones? Most doctors are reluctant to put women on hormone treatment and if they do don't like them on it for long. This is typically because synthetic hormones have a bad track record for safety. Bio Identicals don't carry these risks when taken properly and monitered through regular blood labs. True bio identical hormones are made through a compounding pharmacy. Again, regular drs just haven't studied bio's and the benefits women can have being on them. A good holisitc or alternative dr that has studied bio identicals can get you on the right path. Its sad to see women getting prescribed anti depressants when all they need is the right hormone treatment. I am 57, in menapause for 2 years and taking bio identical estrodial, estriol, testosterone and OTC progesterone cream. Yes, women need testosterone too. I feel great. Message me if you would like more info on books etc that will be helpful to you. Seems you can't put names of books and such on here.

    • Posted

      Thank you for your input, but due to the Triple Negative Breast Cancer I am afraid to try anything that the doctor does not suggest.

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